Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: There's a snake in my boot...

Friday, September 16, 2016

There's a snake in my boot...

Well not really, but as I sit here nursing Tallia, that famous Disney quote keeps coming to mind. Today we ventured out to the park for some homeschooling PE fun. Our homeschooling group does a weekly PE class, so the kids have been loving getting together with new friends and playing lots of different games.

This week though, there was a surprise waiting under one of the playgrounds. A baby rattlesnake. Oh my heck my mama heart panicked.

First of all, I'm terrified of anything that creeps, crawls, or slithers. They give me the heepie jeebies. Yes we had snakes in Nevada, but they stayed in the desert. You never saw them at parks, or at least I didn't. I expressed my panic fear to some of the other moms, who were way to chill about it for my liking. I guess this sort of thing happens. They even have signs telling you to look out. I saw them earlier, but didn't realize how legit they were. One of the Moms flagged down a park and rec worker (who was doing some near by landscaping...thank goodness), who quickly came to assist. He had his snake catching gear on hand. Again, I guess this happens often enough to warrant having snake catching gear on hand.

The snake was relocated to another part of the park. The park sits next to a huge area of brush and a stream. I guess the snake had just ventured a bit too far from home.

So now we can say we've seen a rattlesnake and now I'm a bit more cautious at the park.

Also these pictures make me laugh because Mr. Eleven Year Old Boy aka Keagan was ready to go home and the ladies in his family were walking too slow for his liking....which he expressed quite vocally by telling us to "Hurry up!" Libby and I had to give him a hard time, so we stopped for some pictures. Get use to it son. You are surrounded by girls during the day. We laugh, we paint nails, squeal when bugs present themselves, take a bit longer to do things....because we like to talk, and we love to take pictures :)

XO Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, snakes are part of dessert living as well as scorpions, black widows and tarantulas! I truly miss living in Phoenix and would move back in a heartbeat.
    Enjoy the weekend, hope it is critter free!


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