Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Snap Away...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Snap Away...

I follow a lot of pages on Facebook. I follow some of my favorite blogs, like Simple Homeschool and Raising Arrows. I also follow some pages like This is how we homeschool and Breastfeeding Mama Talk. I love to follow pages that encourage me and inspire me when I look through my Facebook feed. I'm bound to look at Facebook a time or two throughout the day, so I might as well follow pages who share good content. 

This past week, one of the pages I follow shared an article that really encouraged me. For the life of me I can't remember where I found the article or a direct link to the article. It was one I read during a 3 am feeding and I didn't keep it open in my browser. Sorry friends :( I may not remember the link, but I remember what I took away from that early morning read.

The article was directed towards the men in our lives....our significant others. It was telling them to get us mamas out from behind the camera. So often us ladies are behind the camera, capturing the memories. Because of this, we're often rarely in pictures. Sometimes we choose not to be in pictures because we're dissatisfied with our weight, our hair, etc and the end result is that were in very few pictures. 

The article continued to share how it is such a shame. One day we won't be here. We don't know how long our journey on this Earth is, but we should be able to leave behind those videos.... those pictures....that captured us....that captured our laughs....our cries.... our snuggles with our babies.

I've been thinking on this a lot lately. I don't want my kids to look back and not be able to find mom in the memories. I want them to be able to see me....whether I'm fat, skinny, hair done, or I'm a hot mess. I want them to see me because guess what? They don't care what I look like. They don't care I have messy morning hair or I'm rocking a bit of baby spit up, which I totally am in the pictures above. They love me for being me. 

I encourage you today friends to take your picture. Get yourself in front of that camera and snap away. You're amazing friend. No matter what that package is. Never forget that! :) 

XO Danielle


  1. I believe the article originated from Kaylin Maree's a link

  2. Oh, I needed to read this! We celebrated my birthday this weekend and I'm not in any of the pics because I don't like how I look and have gained some weight. That being said, I didn't notice your spit-up until you said it so obviously that's not the most important part of the pic. You go on and get in all the pics! Love that baby.

    1. Get in front of that camera mama. Your kids don't care what size you are. They love you because you are truly amazing! :)

  3. You are amazing. And I agree, we do need to be in the pics.

  4. What a beautiful post! It is so true, take it from a 60 year old mom and grandma, who is always sporting the camera! What a great message for all of us. We are who are, our families love us just the way we are, we need to remember that. I would love to have photos of my grandmothers, but I mostly have pictures of all the aunts and uncles, one of my grandmother stood behind everyone else because she thought she was not pretty . . . I thought she was beautiful!

    The photos of you and your precious little punkin' are just so cute - please frame them, she will appreciate it one day!!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words. They're so encouraging :)


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