Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: My little cooking space...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My little cooking space...

Tonight as I tidied up my kitchen,  a few thoughts came to mind. First was how thankful I am for my little cooking space. My kitchen isn't that large and doesn't have all the new gadgets kitchens come with. It has drying racks for all those dishes I hand wash and it has a fridge and freezer chest for me to store the food I get to cook my family each day. It has what we need.

Today this little cooking space fed my little family. Every meal is prepared here and at that folding table, we say grace before eating.

Sometimes it can become easy to focus on the negative of the spaces we live in. We focus on the things we wished we had or what's wrong with our spaces. I know I'm guilty of this.

One thing I have learned though, is that when we focus on the negative, we miss out on all the joy. We miss out on the laughter between siblings, as dishes are put away (oh and don't forget the arguing. That's a gimme where siblings are concerned). We miss out on the "thank yous" and "I love yous" from a sweet hubby. We miss out on the dances, while holding baby... because it's the only thing to get her to sleep. These are things I don't want to forget.

Right now this little cooking space brings me so much joy. It's more than floors to be swept and dishes to be cleaned. It's our life and I so love living it with these sweet people God has brought into my life.

XO Danielle


  1. It is wonderful to just be grateful for everything and everyone we have in life, not focus on the 'I wants'. I think living on less gives you much more than you realize when it comes to our families and the time you share together. We wont remember the space as much as we remember the people that we loved that were there <3

    1. I totally agree. It really helps you put stuff in perspective.

  2. You have a double sink! I so wish I had a double can always find a positive, you just have to look!

  3. Beautifully written and very much worth remembering. I enjoyed this post immensely. Thank you for reminding me.

  4. So my kids aren't the only one's to fight when doing dishes? I'm like girls why are you fighting it's the wash you rinse and dry how hard is that, but for some reason there is always and argument. Anyways you are so right sometimes we need to rethink how we think. A few years ago we moved into a 3,000 sq.ft. house and just loved it, until I realized how much I disliked cleaning it. Long story short my husband's job moved us and I love love loved downsizing.


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