Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Impromptu baby photoshoot...

Monday, September 5, 2016

Impromptu baby photoshoot...

I wrote this post two weeks ago 

Miss Thing was up for a three hour stretch last night. She woke up at 12:30 pm to nurse and then didn't go back to sleep till 3 am. She was wide awake the whole time. Alternating between nursing and showing me those baby blues. She definitely has her days and nights a bit confused. 

That wakeful stretch meant this mama was a wee bit tired come morning. The big kids put on some cartoons and had cereal, while Tallia and I got some more rest. Getting a few extra hours made me feel like a new woman.

When I woke up, I decided to do a little 4 week photoshoot with baby girl. I love how a simple blanket, thrown on the bed near a window, can create such fun photos. No fancy equipment needed. I used my phone and snapped away.

I'm trying to be very diligent about photo journaling lately. Having the blogger app on my phone helps a now. I'm writing this while feeding Miss T.

Easy peasy is where it's at for me lately.

Oh and did you see Miss T is wearing her cloth diapers? We just started using them and am loving them so far! 

XO Danielle


  1. What a little doll! I'm so glad that she is here and healthy, and I can tell she is very precious.

  2. How sweet! Beautiful baby! I was thinking, what if you did a few posts regarding how to save for babies. I love your ability to take the most simple of things and make them into something wonderful. Thank you for being you and since I didn't have the opportunity to say it earlier on...congratulations to you and your family on the new addition! She's a beautiful princess. :)


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