Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Back to School Family Night....

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back to School Family Night....

Tonight we celebrated back to school. Tomorrow is our first day back, since Miss Tallia's birth and our big move. I have enjoyed having all this time off to get settled and love on my baby girl, but I honestly have missed school the past few months.

Tonight for family night, we shared with the kids some goals we have for them in this new school year. We also talked about the word perseverance. We want our kids to persevere this year. Many trials and challenges will come their way. We never want them to shirk from a task, just because they think it's too hard. We want them to have confidence and face it head on. We talked about not needing to be better than the person next to us, but focus on our own selves.

Jason shared a quote with us by Herber J. Grant.  "I believe that we can accomplish any object that we make up our minds to, and no boy or girl ought to sit down and say, because they cannot do as well as somebody else, that they will not do anything." President Grant said we should not focus on other's weaknesses, but make war on our own. Our weaknesses can become some of our greatest strengths.

After our lesson, Jason gave each of the kids a father's blessing. He then gave me one. There was mention of us having courage, managing our time, knowing our hearts and that we can do extraordinary things. What a sweet comfort the blessings gave!

Afterward we played Settlers of Catan Junior. It is such a fun game and is one we all really like playing. Keagan won this time around. In fact we all pretty much got spanked. He dominated the game. 

Earlier in the day, I made carrot cake cupcakes for dessert. Jason had took the kiddos to get a drink at Circle K. When they got back, they could smell I was baking something. Keagan said "oh it's Monday. Of course Mom is making our family home evening treat". I don't know why, but this made my heart so happy. They look forward to our Monday night family nights. They know we will have a treat, share a lesson, and then play a game as a family. I love that they know it is something they can count on. It is something we all look forward to. Oh and Hubby and the kids said the cupcakes were delicious. I had a smoothie, since that was more nursing baby friendly. It was delicious too :)

Back to homeschooling....I still have a few things to get organized for tomorrow, but I think we're ready. We're slowly dipping our toes back in, so we can see what our new "normal" is with homeschooling and a newborn, but I know Heavenly Father is walking this journey with me. Organization is going to be key I think :)

XO Danielle


  1. I love the idea of having a back to school night! That is something I may do in the future. I also love your family nights. One thing I've treasured since our homeschool journey began a year ago was how much closer our family has become. As always, thanks for sharing your story with all of us!

    1. You are so welcome! More time together is what I love about homeschooling too. It is definitely time to be treasured :)

  2. Best of luck on the new school year, and congrats on your new addition! I haven't kept up with my fave blogs in a year or two and I look forward to catching up!


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