Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Around Here This Week...

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Around Here This Week...

Morning lovelies! I wanted to hop on here today to share a few little thoughts from our past week. Life is moving forward so quickly and we are settling into our new home. I can't believe we have already been here for three weeks. We are liking Tucson a lot and are getting to know the area a little bit better.

We found a homeschool group, which was a challenge in itself. There are some pretty great groups in Tucson, but finding one that would be a good fit for my family and this season of life we're in was a smidge hard. Thankfully I had some help from some friends. I follow a few Christian Homeschooling pages for Arizona and many lovely friends were able to direct me towards a few different groups I could try out. We finally found one and my kids love it. Right now we are just taking things slow and starting with just one activity a week. Our group does a park/PE day, which Keagan and Libby are super excited about. I am excited to give them time to get outside and get active.

Speaking of homeschooling, we are back at it this Tuesday. I have been taking some time this weekend to plan and get organized. I have been praying on it a lot of lately...trying to figure out what is going to work, since homeschooling with a newborn is foreign territory for me. (I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was a tad bit nervous). I am happy to say though that the Lord has heard my prayers and I was directed towards some great ideas that I think will really help our days flow more smoothly, with a new little baby joining the fun. I'll share more on this later.

Miss Tallia is six weeks old on Wednesday, which blows my mind. It is crazy because it feels like she's always been here, but then again it feels like I just had her. My Mama heart is very full. She is such a cute little thing and is starting to share little glimpses of her personality. She is definitely going to be a sassy thing. We can already tell. Jason and I like to joke that we only make sassy opinionated girls :) We know they'll need that gumption as they get older.

We've been getting into an evening routine, which has been a huge blessing. Every night at 7 pm, we stop everything and come together as a family. We read scriptures, read from our family read aloud, and then Keagan and Libby take turns reading to Tallia. It has become a treasured part of my day. I love having us all together.

This weekend my hard drive crashed on my computer, which kind of broke my heart. I lost about a years worth of pictures that I had not backed up on our external hard drive....that means Tallia's birth pictures are gone.  ::insert huge sad face:: I was pretty devastated, till I realized I had them backed up in another way. Thankfully, I had written out Tallia's birth story and made my video of that first week for the blog.  This blog became my saving grace. My journaling and scrapbooking has been such a blessing this week. All my Instagram posts and blog posts are full of all those pictures I lost. It was another reminder to me how important it is to journal, blog, and document those memories. I have a new fire to journal, blog, and vlog. My husband used this site to quickly download all my instagram photos. It made getting all those pictures onto my new hard drive much easier.

So that's it for around here. I hear Miss T waking from her nap, which means my blogging time is over. Have a wonderful day friends! :)

XO Danielle 


  1. That is so sad about you computer- I am sorry. Do you know about the LDS homeshoolers page on Facebook? There are so many great ideas shared on there everyday.

    1. OH yes I found them. They don't do a lot of activities, but lots of supportive ideas are shared there.

  2. Sorry about your computer. You have the cutest kids. And I am loving these cute blankets Ms Talia has. So glad yall are getting settled.

    1. Thank you. We were very blessed with lots of hand me down blankets. My sisinlaw had some real cute ones :)


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