Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Just a cup of sugar....

Friday, September 2, 2016

Just a cup of sugar....

This morning, as I was making blueberry pancakes, our doorbell rang. I wasn't sure who'd be calling at 8 am, but I went to the door nonetheless. It happened to be our sweet neighbor Anna. We'd meet a few days before and I instantly liked her. She's an older woman, with a heavy Spanish accent, dark hair, and the kindest eyes I've ever seen. She was apologizing for calling so early, but she'd run out of sugar and her morning coffee just isn't the same without it. 

She held out a little glass bowl and asked if she could borrow some. I of course had plenty to share. I filled her bowl and we chatted for a few minutes, before bidding each other to have a great day. 

As I think back on that simple exchange from this morning, I am reminded of how special it is to build relationships with our neighbors. We are literally commanded to love our neighbors. We live in a time where we don't always take the time to get to know our neighbors and that is a shame. We're missing out on getting to know some pretty fantastic people. 

In Henderson I knew our immediate neighbors, but I never really ventured further than that. We'd exchange pleasantries and wave here and there, but that was about it. I'm thankful for the little reminder God has given me to reach out to those around me. Share a smile, a laugh, or maybe a little bit of sugar. We never know who needs a little bit of encouragement or who will touch our own hearts and encourage us.

and on another note....It is 9 am and I have the kitchen cleaned, dinner in the crockpot (deli ham sandwiches. Yum!), everyone is dressed, and baby girl is napping. I'd say that's a mama win for today. I'm not always this put together so soon in the day, but when it does needs to be celebrated :)

XO Danielle


  1. We lived in a home and got to known our neighbors on each side of us even though they were not part of our church circle they were some of the coolest, down to earth, nicest families. I was talking to a church leader one day and brought up one of our neighbors. She had lived across the street for 20 years, neighbor, 15. She had no idea who they were. That is just sad.
    I recently got asked to babysit a neighbor boy who is in afternoon kindergarten and parents need someone to cover the morning hours before school. I know these neighbors, our kids have played together. But it has been a long time since we've talked. I am so excited she asked me to babysit. It was a nudge and reminder to nurture that friendship and get to know them better.
    You never know when you need to call on a neighbors help so you might as well start getting to know them now :)

  2. Your kitchen looks fantastic.. Love when the day starts out so nicely. Proud you have found a friend already.. God is good.

  3. I love this post! Every place we've lived, my kids and I have enjoyed spending time with our neighbors and making treats and cards for them. The kindness has been returned when we've needed something, they've been quick to help!

    1. Thank you! Neighbors truly can be a huge blessing, if we allow them to be.


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