Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Gearing up for baby grocery hauls...

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Gearing up for baby grocery hauls...

Afternoon friends. Baby girl is taking a nap, which means I have a few minutes of hands free time. To take advantage of that time, I wanted to hop on here and get a few posts up for all you lovelies.

Today I am sharing two grocery haul videos, which I filmed before Tallia was born. These are my "Gearing Up for Baby" hauls. Everything you see in these hauls were items that were a HUGE help to me in the days leading up to Tallia's birth and in my postpartum time afterward. Having our pantry, fridge, and freezer stocked with easy to make items was a huge blessing to my family and I. We were able to use up all the items before our move. Any pantry items left came with us to Arizona.

Enjoy the videos and let me know what are you go to items for after baby is born? What do you love to have your kitchen stocked with?

and in case you missed it, here's a Smith's haul I shared recently as well :)

XO Danielle 

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