Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Setting Up House...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Setting Up House...

Hi friends!! I wanted to hop on and share some progress pics from our move. We are still surrounded with boxes, but we're making progress. Moving and unpacking with a newborn has been interesting. It definitely makes it go slower, but that's fine with me. We're in no real rush.

a few pics pre-move. Our sweet family came to help load the u-haul...

and hold the baby :)

The drive itself from Nevada, went great. The boys drove the U-Haul, with Hubby's car on a trailer. Us girls drove in my car. We stopped every two-three hours to feed Tallia and go to the bathroom. We had Watson with us too. The cat barely made a peep. 

Since the move, we've been making progress on setting up house. The bathroom is about complete.... I still need a bath rug.

The kitchen is mostly unpacked, but I need to live in it for a few weeks to see where I want everything to go, in regards to organization. 

I've been loving baking and cooking again. Oh how I missed it. Hot breakfasts have been a daily occurrence. Mmmmm...french toast.

The rooms are coming along. I have tons of baby clothes to organize and linens to find a home for. We have a full years worth of clothes for Miss T. I plan to use vacuum bags to store whatever sizes she's not in. We also have a mountain of laundry that's about to grow arms. Our new dryer comes tomorrow (no clotheslines allowed in our complex). I never thought I'd so look forward to doing laundry. Life with a newborn makes you appreciate clean blankets and shirts. 

I'm trying to get creative with organization and decor, using what I have on hand. I try to remind myself to make do and be content. Once we're settled a bit more I'll do a video tour and share what organization hacks I used.

Have a great Sunday! :)

XO Danielle


  1. Danielle,

    Everything looks great. I'm glad everyone (including Watson) made it to Arizona safely. I hope you enjoy your new home and are able to settle in quickly. I'm going through a move myself and after three weeks yesterday is when I emptied out the six suitcases and organized the closets haha. Big hug!

  2. I like how it looks like you are settling in nicely. hot meals are nice too! looks yummy!

  3. Yay, so excited for yall! Can't wait for the video��

  4. Yay, so excited for yall! Can't wait for the video

  5. That stinks that you're not able to use a clothesline! If you have a garage and have the room, you could set up drying racks or hang a piece of rebar from the ceiling and hang clothes on hangers. That's what my husband and I do.

  6. Welcome to Arizona! Looks like you have a nice place to call home now. Congrats on the sweet new baby. She is adorable. I hope you continue to post. I love following your blog. I hope that things continue to go well as you settle in to your new home.

  7. Welcome to Arizona (I live in Phoenix). You arrived at the hottest time of the year! This is my first time posting. I really enjoy your blog and look forward to your updates. Thanks so much for the photos of your new place, It is always loads of fun getting settled in a new spot. One idea for thrift stores...not sure if they exist in Tucson. Hospice of the valley has great thrift stores in Phx, you might check Tucson. I will look and send you info if I find something.

  8. How exciting for you! It looks like a lovely new home ready to be filled with children, good food, and laughter! Blessings!

  9. So glad your move went well! I love your blog! We bought a drying rack online that holds 1-2 loads of laundry. It has saved us a ton of money, not sure if that is an option for you. It was called a "The Green Rack Hi Capacity Foldable Drying Rack Storage System" if you were looking for one or if anyone else is.

  10. I can't imagine moving and unpacking with a new born. Brave women!! Did you guys sell your home here in Vegas?

  11. I hadn't checked in for a while and look at that, you have a new baby! Congrats. The house is coming along nicely, and I can already tell you're going to love the extra cupboard space.


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