This is something we've been working a lot on as a family lately. Finding our own heartbeat and pace has been a process, but a good one. I'm thankful for a homeschooling community, made up of families who think outside the box. When you're putting your children's needs above everything else, you really can't go wrong with homeschooling.
Finding strength and encouragement in other mamas has become such a blessing to me and I hope you too can find a bit of that same encouragement here on my feed and blog. I truly love what I do and am so thankful I have this little piece of the web to share.
Know that you were chosen to be your children's mother because you possess exactly what they need to succeed in this life. God doesn't make mistakes. He knows the greatness we are all capable of. Answer his call and he will guide you. We are daughters of a king...entrusted with these sweet babies to teach and guide. Don't compare yourselves to others. Focus on your own little home. Seek out encouragement from others, but know that every family is different. Seek the Lord's guidance and he will help transform your everyday.
These are just the few thoughts on this mama's heart this morning. You guys are amazing and I am so thankful for your kind thoughts and prayers everyday. They mean the world:)
XO Danielle
What sweet and tender thoughts from your heart! Thank you for sharing them! Homeschooling is truly a blessing, a joy and a privilege. So happy you are finding your groove. Sometimes we do have to get a different rhythm when we walk to the beat of a different drummer! Teresa
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. I really needed to read the part about being chosen to be your child's mother. I have never thought about it like that.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this encouragement today! I really needed it.
ReplyDeleteWe don't homeschool, but I appreciate your reminders to choose your family's own path. It can be so hard to remember that and resist societal pressures. When we do, though, it's so much better for our kids. It's about THEM, not the OTHERS! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThose of us who entrust educators to teach and help socialize our children into the greater world, while creating an exciting learning environment in the home are just as dedicated as those who keep their children out of public schools due to fear and control issues. You don't have the integrity to publish this comment and I understand that. I hope that you get the message. You are putting your own needs before those of your children and ultimately this is doing them a great disservice. You are limiting them to an education that your level if learning can provide. Pretty drawings and Latin American cookies can only go so far. The grammar and spelling on your blog are atrocious. Our son, who attended public school in Canada, was beyond our teaching abilities by Grade 5. And we are both university graduates. We read to him daily, visited museums and parks on the weekends, and watched scientific programs as a family. We provided assistance with his homework by helping him find the means to the research he required. Today that same boy is a happily married 30 year old Vice President of a major financial firm. He graduated with distinction with 2 Masters Degrees and is regarded as the best in his business. He is kind, funny and dedicated.
ReplyDeleteYou like to provide advice. Here is mine back at you. Let go a little. Stop believing that hyper vigilance is the only way. It makes you appear to be questioning your decision, which you should be doing in private. I sense your husband really doesn't care either way but you need to include him in your posts because it makes you feel substantiated. You might be surprised at his reaction if you just toned it doen a bit. Isn't it tiring be the Queen Bee of the world?
And finally, please do not encourage people to pray for you. That is self-centred, egotistic and rude. Pray for those who are destitute. God is shaking his head at you, Missy.
I love this encouragement from one homeschool mom to another. I continue to fight that bent to fall into comparison with other moms and then that sinking feeling when I think I'm falling short. What freedom there is in trusting the Lord that the plan He has for our homeschool is unique and created for us, with no need to look around at what everyone else is doing for validation. Your words are like sweet honeycomb!