Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Living a Beautiful Life on Less Blog Tour + A Giveaway...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Living a Beautiful Life on Less Blog Tour + A Giveaway...

Happy Sunday ya'll! Today I am so excited to kick off my "Living a Beautiful Life on Less" Blog Tour. For the next two weeks you will get to visit different blogs and hear their reactions to "Living a Beautiful Life on Less". I am so excited for all the sweet friends that wanted to be apart of my blog tour. It truly makes this mama's heart full!

November 1:Reidhead Random-ness | The Bajan Texan
November 2: The Little Farm Diary
November 3: Inkling and Notions
November 4: Robyn Echols Books

November 6: Wishful Endings

November 10: Mel’s Shelves
November 11: Author June McCrary Jacobs

November 13: Alec Marie

Throughout the next two weeks I will also have a few new youtube videos to share (I know it's been forever right), some new recipes, and a few other gems to share as come back and check out the blog to see what goodies I have in store. As always...thank you for your continuous support. You are truly some of the MOST wonderful readers EVER. You rock!! 

Now onto that giveaway I promised....

I have been blown away by all of your generosity and support over the past few months. You are truly such a blessing! My book has sold out twice on Amazon and I wish I could give you each a hug for ever social share and purchase you all have made. When I started out this book writing thing, I honestly just wanted to sell more than the 10 copies my momma bought....well I have greatly surpassed my initial goal and it is all because of you lovely friends :)

Because of your love and kindness I want to give back during this blog tour. I will be giving away 5 copies of my book....

That was not a typo friends...

I will be giving away 5 COPIES OF MY BOOK. 

You will have two weeks to enter to win one of those five copies. You can receive either a paperback version or an ebook version of my book. Whichever you prefer :) 

There are many ways to enter to win, so please take advantage of each and every one. I listed all the ways below. Be sure to leave me a comment for EVERY single thing you do. Each thing you do, entitles you to one giveaway entry. Every comment you leave is one entry. Make sense?

Follow Blissful and Domestic on Youtube
leave a comment telling me you did

Follow Blissful and Domestic on Instagram
leave a comment telling me you did

Follow Blissful and Domestic on Facebook
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 1, visit Reidhead Random-ness and The Bajan Texan
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 2, visit The Little Farm Diary
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 3, visit Inkling and Notions
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 4, visit Robyn Echols Books
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 6, visit Wishful Endings
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 10, visit Mel’s Shelves
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 11, visit Author June McCrary Jacobs
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

On November 13, visit Alec Marie
Check out their review and let them know I sent you :)
leave a comment telling me you did

Share about this giveaway via social media (be sure to tag me) and gain an entry to win as well. You can share about this giveaway each day of the giveaway and gain an extra entry to win :)

So there you have it friends....

a lot of ways to enter to win over the next two weeks.

Remember to leave a comment for each thing you do. 
Every comment is an entry into the giveaway.
 This giveaway will run until November 14 @ midnight.  
The winner will be announced later the next day.

Good luck!! :)

XO Danielle 
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