Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Vegas Valley Book Festival...Come visit me!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Vegas Valley Book Festival...Come visit me!

Morning lovelies! So this happened...meaning the hair up above happened. I was growing out the locks, but this mama couldn't handle them any longer. I needed a no fuss haircut, so off the length went.

Funny story...when Keagan saw my hair he was a bit shocked. Homeboy liked my long hair. He asked me very gently... "So the hair is staying Mom? hmm....I don't like it". Oh how honest our kids can be! Good thing this Mama doesn't get offended easily :) Hubby though knew just what to say to cure the awkward moment. He asked me if I liked it....I said yes...and he said that was all that mattered and that he loved it. He's a keeper ladies. For reals! So yes bubba, the hair is staying...and thank you Hubby for always knowing just what to say. I am loving every single minute of short hair and the fact that I can be ready to go now in half the time.

On another note....

Me and my short hair will be at the Vegas Valley Book Festival  from 10 am - 12 pm today. I will be in the author booth for The Henderson Libraries. I will be signing books. Bring your book or you can purchase one from me there. They will be $10 each. Stop by and say hi. I can't wait to meet you all!!

XO Danielle 


  1. OMG i love it! i want to cut mine but i'm too afraid that itll look bad because my hair needs flat ironed or else it gets poofy. I love this look on you tho girl!

    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  2. luv the hair! and so wish we lived closer or had a trip to meet u i luv your book!

  3. I love that you were represented by a library for the Festival! If you are ever in Central Virginia I invite you to the Timbrook Library in Campbell County!


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