Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: September Monthly Menu Plan...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September Monthly Menu Plan...

Hi friends! I know that we are literally days away from pumpkin month, but I still have a few things from September I need to get up here on my blog. I have two more shopping hauls to go live, from when I did a fill in for produce, so be sure to look out for those this week. I can't post my stuff for October till I get those out to you. :)

 I also wanted to share our menu plan from this past month. I planned for 30 days. At the end of the month I had six meals we did not eat.I put a star next to those meals. On those days we ended up having leftovers. I like over planning a smidge. It gives me a little bit of grace and keeps my options open. Months when I don't over plan, I am usually left short in the meal department. The meals that did not get eaten will roll over to the next month or sometimes I use those meals for a lunch or breakfast...depending on what the meal idea was.

1. Cheddar Brats with baked beans 
2. spaghetti and garlic breadsticks
3. cheesy pasta bake
4. beef stroganoff 
5. bbq chicken sandwiches with potato salad and fruit

6. blueberry pancakes
7. egg and sausage burritos
8. turkey taco night
9. enchiladas and corn
10. bean and cheese burritos
11. nacho night
12. Alfredo pasta
13. black bean burgers *
14. bbq meatballs and mashed potatoes *
15. 13 bean chili with cornbread
16. black beans with rice and cornbread
17. breaded chicken sandwiches with coleslaw
18. tuna cakes with rice and veggies*
19. baked potato bar
20. hawaiian haystacks*
21. meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans
22. tikka masala
23. crockpot deli ham sandwiches 

24. chicken pot pie*
25. french toast*
26.  sweet potatoes and salad
27. egg and sausage biscuit sandwiches
28. hot dogs
29. fritata and hashbrowns
30. chicken taco night

XO Danielle


  1. Can you please share your recipe for that Cheesy pasta bake? It sounds delicious!


    1. When I make this, I do all the work ahead of time. I pop in the fridge till I'm ready to cook it. I've found that going heavy on the sauce is key. It keeps your pasta from drying out.

      This is also a great recipe to double and freeze. Simply thaw in the fridge overnight and cook like normal.

      {Easy Cheesy Bake}

      8 oz. Cooked rigatoni pasta
      1 small tub ricotta cheese
      1 package of summer sausage, sliced
      1 cup cooked and crumbled bacon
      1 jar pasta sauce (24 oz.)
      1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
      1 cup cheddar cheese

      Place pasta, ricotta cheese, sausage, bacon, pasta sauce, and 1/2 cup of each shredded cheese in a large bowl. Mix well. Place in a greased 9x13 baking dish. Top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350' for 30 minutes, or until sauce bubbles on the sides.

  2. I have a lot of things I do with different types of beans that work. Let me know if you're still interested (I'm a chef and I LOVE your channel!). I do red beans and rice (super southern), black beans with rice and fried plantains (or skip the plantains), pinto beans and rice, homemade refried beans, Italian white beans with pasta (paste e fagiole) etc. Let me know what you want recipes for!


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