Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: September Grocery Haul: Part 2...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September Grocery Haul: Part 2...

Morning friends!! Today I have part 2 of my September grocery haul for you. Last week I shared our Costco haul. You can check that out here.

I did all my shopping in one day. I went to Costco in the morning and Fry's in the afternoon. I brought baby girl with me. My nursing babies pretty much go everywhere with me. I put her in the Moby wrap and she slept during each shopping trip. In between trips I came home to unload, eat lunch, and feed Tallia. It was definitely a long day, but such a blessing to know my shopping is done till October. I'll only go back mid month for a produce restock. I made sure to leave some money for that. I'll have $59.18 to spend on produce come mid September. I'll be sure to share about that later.

At Fry's I was able to grab fresh produce. We still had some stuff in our fridge, so I didn't get too much. I also stocked up on gravy packets, frozen veggies, bread, and some canned goods. Gravy packets I use when I need a quick meal. We have potato flakes we buy in #10 cans from the LDS Home Storage Center. They can be made in under five minutes. I top them with gravy and veggies on the side. It makes for a quick filling meal. If we have leftover meat, I throw that into the gravy as well. The frozen veggies are great in stir frys and when it gets to the end of the month and our fresh produce is running low. Bread this month was 4/$5. I'm slowly getting back into making my own, but only when time allows. I'm giving myself a little grace in that area. The other canned goods I got were for meals throughout the month.

At Fry's I spent $211.42. Below is my cost breakdown.

Navel oranges 5 lbs. $2.99
Bananas @59 cents/lb $3.22
Roma tomatoes @99cents/lb $1.58
Breakfast sausage $3.49
Cucumbers @79 cents each x2 $1.58
String cheese $5.99
Deli chicken $8.99
Grapes @$1.99/lb $4.76
Kroger ice cream bucket x2 @$4.49 each
Cantaloupe $2.50
Blueberries $2.99
Strawberries $2.50
Bread x4 @1.25 each $5
Chocolate syrup $2.39
Blue bunny ice cream x2 @$2.99 each
Pepperoni $2.99
Sausage links x2 @$3.49
Frozen broccoli and cauliflower x2 @$1.39 each
Frozen veggie stir-fry x2 @ $1.29 each
Spanish rice x2 @$1 each
Frozen veggie x3 @$1 each
5lbs gala apples $3.99
Whipping cream $2.99
Instant oatmeal $1.25 x2
Gravy packets 69 cents x6
Alfredo Sauce packet x2 69 cents each
Meatloaf seasoning packet 69 cents
American cheese $1.88
Apple juice x4 @99 cents each
Frozen tatertots $1.99
Turkey bacon $1.99 x3
Deli ham $3.99
Deli turkey $3.99
Breadcrumbs $1.39
Ricotta cheese $2.99
Rigatoni pasta $1.49
OJ concentrate x4 @$1 each
Baked beans 3/$5
Cereal x6 @$1.88 each
Tikka masala sauce $2.49
Orange sauce $3.49
Peanutbutter $4.69
Ritz crackers $2.69 x2
Plastic wrap $2.29
Foil $1.99
Freezer gallon bags $1 x2
Salad mix $3
Milk x4 @1.88 each

So that's everything we bought for the month of September. I won't be going back for a produce fill in for about two weeks. My freezer, fridge, and pantry are stocked, which makes me so happy. Tomorrow I'll be sharing my menu plan for the month.

XO Danielle


  1. congrats on getting your Sept shopping done.. Some good bargains too.. Sweet Tallia is so sweet to sleep though out the shopping.. Hope you and family are enjoying your new home, and hubby is enjoying the new job..

  2. Since you said gravy packets I thought I share to check out Costco for gravy mix. They sell in in a big seasoning container with the spices for around $3-4. My favorite (and my kids favorite) is to put a few breasts of chicken in the crock pot with about 2 cans of chicken broth (enough to cover chicken. can add water to cover if needed). Let it cook on low for about 8 or so hours. Pull out the chicken and shred with 2 forks. Make gravy with the liquid and the gravy mix. Then I combine the chicken and gravy in the crock pot while I finish the rest of the meal. We have had it with mashed potatoes, rice, or noodles (whatever we have but mashed potatoes are our favorite) and some veggies. You can cook a bunch of chicken and use some for enchiladas, chicken salad sandwiches, etc. or other things you will need "cooked chicken" for. So kind of a cook once eat several times situation. I have not tried this other version yet but my aunt does the same but instead of chicken broth she uses sunny d. And then makes some kind of glaze with the juice and its kind of an orange chicken. goes well with rice I hear. :)


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