Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Reader's Corner: Making Ends Meet

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Reader's Corner: Making Ends Meet

Morning friends!! Today we are chatting about how to make ends meet on the channel. Hop on over to see the video and share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's get a conversation going. I know that as we encourage one another, we can all live more frugally and create beautiful for less. :)

XO Danielle


  1. Do you ever cook meatless meals? I need ideas! Thanks!

  2. I do, was even vegetarian for awhile. Stuffed peppers, jambalaya, black bean enchiladas, green chili burritos, veggie fajitas, veggie pot pie, portabello burgers, mushroom stroganoff, spaghetti w/ mushrooms in the sauce instead of meat, mushroom "sloppy joes", Mexican quinoa, stir fry, tomato soup, black bean soup, pinto beans & cornbread, enchilada orzo. There are so many good meatless recipes but these are some of my families favorites

  3. If you are feeding your children 99 cent ground beef then you would be better off eating out. How about cutting back on the processed, sugary garbage you crave and instead buy grain fed organic beef? You could afford it. It's all about priorities. My kids wouldn't know a pop tart if it hit them in the face. And yoghurt with chocolate bars? No wonder your kids are jumping off the furniture. Before you offer advice, please be mindful of your lack of nutrition education. It's as simple as downloading the food pyramid.

  4. Great advise! Every family could apply these principles if for nothing else, to save a few dollars. In this day and age, it is hard to make ends meet and we need to band together and share our knowledge, thank you!!


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