Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: FAQ Fridays: recycling, selling our house, and more!

Friday, July 22, 2016

FAQ Fridays: recycling, selling our house, and more!

Happy Friday Friends!! The kids are playing with Legos and I am sitting in front of our swamp cooler, with my laptop. It's hot today friends. The weather app on my phone is reading 115'. Oh my heck friends, this preggo mama is melting. I made a run to Sonic with the kids to get two bags of ice and some half price drinks. I think I finally feel like I am cooling down. Summer here in the desert is no joke.

While I sit here and try to stay cool, I am taking some time to catch up on some blogging and videos. Today I have another FAQ video for you. Today we're talking about cloth diapers, recycling, selling our house, and more. If you have any questions you'd like answered, leave them in the comments below or on my channel.

Enjoy and try to stay cool lovelies! :)

XO Danielle


  1. I used cloth diapers when my kids were babies and I didn't mind it at all. I used disposables at night and when we were going to be gone for an extended period of time. It will save you a tremendous amount of money. My daughter-in-law used them on my granddaughter and she worked full time. Cloth diapers are very frugal and very green; you are to be commended for your choice.

  2. I used cloth diapers when my children were little. We had a two-year-old son when we had twin girls and so had three in diapers; there was no way to be able to afford disposable diapers for three. I didn't have problems with the cloth diapers. Our daughter used cloth diapers when she had her first child and the diapers that were good after she didn't need them anymore for her child she used over and over for cleaning...they worked great for that! I wish you the best with your move to Tucson. Our granddaughter and her husband just moved there in the last year...God bless you and your family.

  3. Do you feel your book release is/was successful? Do you think you'll write another book in the future?

    Do you keep a handwritten journal?

  4. My daughter uses modern cloth nappies (diapers) and there is some care involved so that the PUL layer is not damaged. I think maybe you have similar liners etc in the U.S. She finds them fabulous, they are a step up from the old white terry towel squares we used back in the day. ;-) I feel for you being heavily pregnant in the heat! We experience similar summer temps here. Not many more weeks now until your little one comes! Hang in there!

    Kaye in Australia


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