Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Budgeting For Braces: How We Do It...

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Budgeting For Braces: How We Do It...

Today was a big day friends. Miss Priss got her braces off this morning. She's been wearing her braces for a little over a year and we were glad to hear we'd be able to finish up her orthodontist treatment before our move to Arizona. We got up bright and early this morning.....6:30 to be exact guys. It was rough for this preggo mama, but I made it.

Here's her before and after. It is amazing what a difference a smile makes for your confidence. This girl is just beaming! She said she couldn't sleep last night she was so excited to get them off and see what her teeth looked like. My mama heart is kind of hurting because the difference in a year and half is mind blowing. Where did my little baby go? She looks so grown up in her after picture. Oh the mama heart strings are being pulled friends!!

Since I was checking out Libby's before and after, I decided to pull up Keagan's. I was able to find a picture of right before he got his braces off and after (thank you Instagram), but for the life of me I couldn't find one to use as a before he got braces. He got his braces on pre-instagram, so I can't find a record of it. I checked my pictures on my computer, but homeboy naturally smiles with his mouth closed, so I have no before to share with you all. He got his braces off about two years ago.  

Isn't he so stinkin adorable!?! Oh the mama heart strings will not stop. Pregnancy hormones are going strong here friends! Haha! :)

Ok I need to stop gushing about my cute kiddos. They are seriously my favorite!

On our way home from the orthodontist I started thinking about how many of you have asked for some tips on how to get braces for your kids, without breaking the bank. We have been able to do braces for both of our kiddos, without going into debt. It has been a huge blessing to our family and one that I want to share with all of you today.

On the channel I am sharing my four tips for budgeting for braces. I hope this helps all you mamas out! :)

XO Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Your kids have the most gorgeous smiles, and your daughter looks so grown up now!
    Great job mom.


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