Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: The Nutcracker...

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Nutcracker...

Oh The Nutcracker...only a Christmas ballet tradition. I can remember being seven or eight and my mother taking me for the first time. It is a memory that has stuck we me through the years. I loved seeing the ladies on pointe and the marching soldiers. Oh and I can't forget the leaping rats. Well this is a favorite memory of my mothers as well, one that she talks about each season. Each year she says how we should take Libby. She would talk about how one of these years the four generations were going to go to the ballet together and see The Nutcracker. Well this year I decided to make that dream happen.

I took my Mother, Grandma, and Libby to The Nutcracker. It was the perfect early Christmas gift. We got into the theater late, due to having to wait a long time for the elevator for my Grandma. Eventually we got to our seats, just as the curtains were being raised. We were sitting in the top balcony. Did you know that means you are really high in the theater? I didn't realize how high our theater went up. For a woman who is terrified of heights, I had quite a time when we went to and from our seats. Libby helped me though, reminding me not look down. She's sweet like that :)

The lights, sets, costumes, and dancing were amazing. It was so neat to look over and see the awe on my mom, grandma, and daughters faces. What a beautiful sight it was!

Afterwards we went out to dinner and were able to spend the next hour chatting and laughing.

This is one tradition I am so thankful we started. What a beautiful day it was to dress up and be together with the girls.

XO Danielle 

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful.. Know you all enjoyed this.. These kind of memories, can never be taken away.. You will always cherish it. Hugs.


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