Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Shangrilla Prehistoric Park...

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Shangrilla Prehistoric Park...

A few weeks before Christmas the kids and I ventured out to a dinosaur park here in Henderson. I had heard about this place before (it's been written up in the newspaper a time or two), but I had never actually made it over to see it for myself. We ended up setting up a time for all our friends to get together and check out the dinosaurs. Shangrilla Prehistoric Park is run by a retired teacher, who really likes making people smile. He ended up coming out, while we were there, and chatted with the kids about dinosaurs. He even gave them each a little trinket to take home. His knowledge of dinosaurs was amazing and it was so cool to hear him chat endlessly with the kids about all things dinosaur related. 

If you are ever in the area, check it out. It's free to check out and they change things up for the holidays. We heard that Halloween is the park's favorite time of year, so we will definitely be going in October. We can't wait!

I love finding little gems like these!

XO Danielle


  1. That's so neat! I remember seeing an article about this house in the Las Vegas Sun once and thinking how quirky. It's neat that they change it up a bit at Christmas.

    1. It really is. I heard that Halloween is their jam. They go all out.


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