Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Cinnamon Crunch Coffee Cake...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cinnamon Crunch Coffee Cake...

Happy October everyone! It's cool, crisp, the leaves are turning and my mind's on baking. I go into baking mode in October, you too? It's something about the cooler weather that sends me off into the kitchen and I don't return until January {often having gained an extra five pounds!}. The kitchen is the heart of our home and I love baking for friends and loved ones. 

On that note, I wanted to share with y'all my favorite fall treat. The gathering season is upon us, friends in our home, a pot of coffee and a yummy treat to share, be still my heart. The best part about this treat, it's so easy, you can whip it up in minutes. We all love easy, right? More time to spend with those friends and loved ones! 

I've tweaked this recipe and learned a few things along the way. I love to double recipes if lots of friends are coming by but I learned {may or may not have learned this the hard way} not to put this in a larger pan, you have to bake two regular sizes to double the quantity. My preference is a nine inch round pie pan, if I want to double, I use two pie pans. 

If you will be gifting this to a friend, I'm going to tell you right now, you will be challenged, after smelling it while it's baking in the oven for twenty minutes, it can be mighty hard to give this thing away, mighty hard, but stay strong, you're doing a good thing. This is where the doubling comes in handy, one to give and one to keep! 


1 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg beaten
1/4 cup coconut oil {or cooking oil of your choice}
1/2 cup milk

Topping Ingredients:

1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 Tbsp. butter softened
1 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. cinnamon


1. Preheat oven to 375*
2. Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.
3. Combine egg, milk, and oil.
4. Add flour mixture to egg mixture and stir just till combined.
5. Pour into a 9 inch pie pan.
6. Combine topping ingredients and sprinkle over batter. 
7. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean.

This coffee cake is comfort food at it's yummiest. Add a cup of hot coffee and some friends, oh my y'all!

XO Amy - The Little Farm Diary


  1. Yum-O! I think I may make this tonight!

    P.S. I absolutely love your blog. It is the first I visit every day. ;)

    1. It is delicious! I made it last night. Just perfect!

  2. Coffee, Crunch, Cinnamon.
    What a fab combination.
    Lisa x

  3. Looks yummy!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  4. I came across your wonderful blog today. I added a link to it on my A Penny Saved blog.

  5. Could you double this recipe and bake it in a Bundt cake pan?

  6. Yum! Fitness, health update? How's it going? I loved your posts because your a real person getting healthy. Keeps me motivated. :)


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