Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: DIY Menu Planner.....

Friday, September 4, 2015

DIY Menu Planner.....

Last month I saw a simple DIY planning project over Free Homeschool Deals, but it was originally posted at Large Family Mothering (one of my new blog crushes). I couldn't believe I had never thought of making a cute little calendar in those notebooks I get during school supply stock up time. Sherry used hers as a homeschool planner, but I thought I would try mine out for menu planning. It was so nice having my menu plan all gussied up and looking nice. I love it when things look pretty. It entices me to use it more.

This calendar was a simple thing to make. I pulled out a notebook from my stash, some markers, and headed to the library. Heading to the library was for the kids. They had a hankering for some computer time there. So while they got in some much needed tech time, I worked on my calendar. It was so simple to make. Use a ruler to measure out how many sections you want. You could totally do this as a weekly planner as well! 

Once you have all your squares made and filled in with your dates, start doodling around the border to make it fancy or's really up to you. I am a constant doodler, so this was right up my alley.

Easy peasy right?

XO Danielle 


  1. Love this and am so doing this this weekend. Why didn't I think of doing something like this. Oh wait.........Cause this is only been one month to the date that I started menu planning and it is all cause of you and it is getting easier.I just still do not like dong it yet. But I do have to say it is saving money for sure.

  2. I love this idea...definitely going to use it. In a year, you'll a year's worth of dinner plans that you can just reuse.

  3. Love this idea. I love, love, love pretty notebooks and stockpile them. what a great use for one of them.

  4. That's actually really cute! School supplies are still on clearance at Meijer, and I don't have any extra notebooks or markers... I typically use Google Docs for my menu/grocery list but I always delete the recipes as I go. This would be good for reminding myself what we've been having for dinner so I don't run out of ideas!


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