Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Fourth of July Ramblings...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July Ramblings...

Over the weekend we were able to spend a lot of time with family and eat a lot of good food. We have family that flew in from New Jersey and we have been having a great time laughing and catching up. I kind of took an unexpected break last week to enjoy family time, but this Monday morning has me itching to get back behind my laptop and camera. I have a few videos in mind and some posts as well I am hoping to get up....but for today I have a few pictures to share from our Fourth of July celebrations.

The Vegas heat decided to take a break and it stayed under 100 degrees. It was a great reprieve from the 115 degree weather we had earlier. Our Fourth of July was spent swimming and enjoying a yummy buffet of deli sandwiches and salads. We watched The Patriot and Independence Day. These are movies are that have been played in my house since I was a teenager. They are my Dad's go to movies for celebrating our country's independence.

There was one moment I want to write about because I never want to forget. We were watching The Patriot and my Mom was setting out food, as we all piled into the house to get ready for dinner. The movie was at the part where Mel Gibson's son is shot and he is there holding him his son telling him we loves him. I looked over at my Dad and I saw he was crying. He doesn't know I saw it, but I did. It broke my heart to see this big man...a man who I have only seen cry a handful of times....have a understandable moment.....because I knew he was thinking of when he had to say good bye to his own son. This fourth of July had us talking about my brother a lot. We missed him. We knew he would have loved having family all around and would have loved setting off fireworks with the family. Although he was not there in the physical sense, I felt him there in spirit. This is the first Fourth of July we have really celebrated, since my brother passed. Last Fourth of July was spent with Hubby's family. I am so very thankful we had this time as a family because I think it brought healing. Although we missed my brother like crazy, we were able to talk about him and laugh at all the fun times. It felt so nice to be able to look back with joy at all the times we had together.

Another big moment over the weekend was Keagan getting to light the fireworks. Along with my Friend's son, the two boys lite most of the fireworks, with Papa and Dad's supervision of course. I had a little glimpse of the man my little boy is becoming. He was so responsible and so proud of being able to do something he has been wanting to do the past few years. It was really neat to see that smile on his face all night. My not so little red head was on cloud nine.

I am so thankful for a weekend to spend with family and to remember the start of our beautiful country we get to live in. I pray that wherever you live, you are able to take a moment and remember those who came before you...those who helped shape your nation. This Fourth of July was extra was a time to make new memories..spend time with new and old friends....and laugh a lot.

I pray your weekend was a good one. Have a blessed day!

XO Danielle

1 comment:

  1. So happy you were able to spend such a lovely holiday with your family, Keagan looks so happy.. Libby as well..


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