Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: 10 Reasons Why We Don't Live Healthy and Why They're Wrong

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

10 Reasons Why We Don't Live Healthy and Why They're Wrong

Oh boy how is it already Wednesday? This week is zooming by way too fast! I have missed sitting behind my laptop and getting these thoughts from my head onto this blog. I have also missed catching up with all you lovelies. It seriously makes my day to hear from you all and I totally miss when I am away for a few days. Although the break is always nice, I always find myself anticipating when I am able to hop back on and get a post or video up.

Last week, I was on a mega roll. I filmed about five videos. I guess when the inspiration is there, you have to run with it right? Now to just get those videos onto my laptop and up on the channel. That's the real challenge:)

Tonight I was able to load one of those videos to share with you all. It is about the excuses we make not to live healthy. These are excuses that I made each day and they may be ones you make as well. As I'm going through this healthy eating/living process, I am learning how all those excuses we make for not doing this healthy living thing are wrong.

So that is what we are talking about today on the channel. Enjoy!

XO Danielle

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