Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: DIY Pine Cone Garland

Thursday, December 6, 2012

DIY Pine Cone Garland


This is one of those crafts that when I saw it on MADE I had a "Huh...What didn't I think of that?" moment. So simple, yet so pretty. This craft would have been free, except I did not have pine cones in my yard or any where near. I had no need to worry though. My favorite thrift store had me covered.They were selling them for 10 cents each. I grabbed a bunch and got to crafting with my littles. We dipped them in red paint and then sprinkled them in red glitter. You can use a clothespin to dip your pine cones. It makes for easier clean up, when crafting with kids. We let our pine cones dry over night. I then used some red yarn to tie around the top of each pine cone.




I hung it under our photo collage, then sat back and admired the simple beauty of painted pine cones. Absolutely beautiful...
Make one with your littles today!

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  1. What a great idea! Using cinnamon scented pine cones would make your house smell beautiful, too!

  2. Fun! I've been wanting to do this with the kids but the idea of kids + spray paint didn't go well in my mind. We will give this a try!

    1. Spray paint and I don't get along so this is a great alternative. Can't wait to see how yours turns out;)

  3. This is genius! We have pinecones galore around our house! I bet they would be pretty in a dish in the center of the table too!

  4. This is so pretty! I love stuff like this. I'm going to have to go outside and do a little scavenger hunt. I can't believe the stuff you can do with things you already have in your home or the backyard. Genius!


  5. What a fun project to do with your little ones. It looks great!

  6. Danielle
    Next time you're in Phoenix stop by and we'll give you a bucket full of pinecones. We've got pine trees all over our property.


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