Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Blissful input & a new layout......hopefully

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blissful input & a new layout......hopefully


I need your help. Last night I spent far to long staring at my computer screen. I went back and forth between the blog, picmonkey, and photobucket. I am starting to work on January and all the new, fun stuff I have in store. I want a new layout for this blog of mine. I want it to be awesome for you guys. Because of that, I am asking for your help. I want to know what you like about the blog, menu plans, thrifty living posts, layout, etc. What are your favorite series/posts I have done and what are your least? No hurt feelings here...I promise. I want you to be honest. I want Blissful and Domestic to continue to grow and help people. To do that I need to make this blog as user friendly as possible. Let me know what you would like to see more of. What would you like to find in the sidebar and what would make it easier for you as the reader to find what you're looking for? I want to know the whole enchilada. Help this lady make this blog the best it can be for the new year. Thank you guys and gals so much for all you do. This blog grows because of you. You come back here each day to read and catch up, and hopefully be inspired. I am always thankful for each and every one of you. I look forward to hearing all you have to say. Wahoo for 2013! It is going to be great!

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  1. I love the "How does she" posts! I love your guest posts but a little more of you would be nice:)

    1. Thanks so much for the input. I really appreciate it:>

  2. I like to see a color scheme, i like matchy matchy but some people don't want that.. just have a solid design that YOU love as well!

    1. I have to agree with Nora! LOVE the color scheme too! I have to be honest though, I feel like there's so much on the top and sidebars that it's really hard to find anything unless I take a bit to search for maybe more a organized pannel/sidebar would be something useful? I've been working on doing blog makeovers for a few blogs lately and this has been one of the biggest changes I've had them all make and it's so huge in the appearance!

      Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

    2. I so agree! I have been thinking the same thing about the side bars. Thanks for the input;)

  3. It doesn't stop me from reading...but it takes awhile to scroll down from the title area and then ad and get to the actual post. All the buttons for the sections might be better on the side or something. My favorite all time posts have been the nitty gritty details of freezing milk or cleaning and chopping produce, etc. to make it possible to shop less and spend less. Your posts on utilizing the freezer and shopping once a month literally changed my life. To be honest, I kind of skip over when it is a guest post. I'm sure they are good, for some reason I just want to read more from you. Maybe just because your every day advice has been SO helpful for me...more than most blogs. Thanks for asking for our input. Can't wait to see what 2013 brings!


    1. I agree with Bobi! I like the nitty gritty detailed posts that you write the best!

    2. Seriously I could cry right now. You guys are so sweet. It means a lot tO me all the honesty and that you would like to see more in how I live a thrifty life style. More will definitely be coming in 2013

  4. Since I just recently started reading your Blog found via Blog hopping on Make, Do and Mend. I can not read many of the guest posts, though I will click to their blog but I come to "your" blog to read about YOU

  5. I do have to say I think that organization would be good. As a suggestion (you can hate it), you could leave you top links to what you need the most (like home, about sponsor) and create smaller buttons for your side bar. Speaking of side bar, think of maybe spiting in two side bars on each side or beside each other. An last, more you. I agree with Bobi, I love reading your tips about home life. I want to improve mine and would love to read how much you can do that. I also like you sewing projects. I love seeing what you change.

    Hope that wasn't to bad,

    1. Sweetly put. It's like your in my head! I have been thinking the same thing. Once my blog grew I took on more guest posts to help keep stuff on the blog each day. It is nice to know you'd rather see more of my post, even if that means I can't post each day. I love our thrifty lifestyle and it is something I am very passionate about. I will gladly share more. Your comment was perfect thankyou;)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree with the other ones, guest post are fun, but I like seeing the way you organize your life. Your tips from How does she series, especially the ones on grocery part, really made my life easier and more organized. Even my grocery list was derived from your list (adjusted to Europe). I still visit your blog every day, but this kind of posts kept my atention way longer.

    1. So more money saving tips where groceries are concerned would be good? I can absolutely do that. Thanks so much;)

  8. I agree with a lot of the other comments. I wish to see more posts from you and less from guest bloggers. I think your lifestyle is fantastic and I would love to hear more about it.

    1. Thankyou so much. I so appreciate all these wonderful comments. Great ideas for a brand new year. I can't wait!

  9. I like posts on thrifty living!

  10. Of course I love your "how she does it" posts and frugal stuff :) To make the blog more reader friendly I would minimize your tabs at the top. Maybe have a few main tabs and sub-tabs (not sure that's a word) within each. Also, I love your pictures with featured posts on the side. It's eye catching and people click on it. And I might move the ad at the top to the side if you can. I keep reading though, so I obviously LOVE your blog! Thank you for taking the time to write and post. It's great! And thank you for having me as a guest blogger!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment. I was thinking the same thing about the tabs. There's a little too much going on the tab section:> Thank you for reading. You rock!

  11. Loved your "How Does She Live On $14,000" so much that I recently "shared" it with all of my FB friends. Your blog is great, no matter what. And I'm so thrilled you are letting me (soon) guest blog about my Money-Saving Tips. What an honor. :)

    Blessings from Oklahoma,

    1. Thank you so much about sharing my blog. I so appreciate it. I can't wait to have you as a guest:>

  12. Well, I was going to give my two cents but everyone did it for me. :o) I would love to see more from you and less from guest bloggers. Not that they aren't great, and I have even followed a few, but I just love your tips and tricks! I'm a beginner sewer and I would love to see more posts on sewing and refashioning. Either way, you are fabulous and thanks for sharing your talents with us!

  13. It looks like many of us have the same ideas. I think you should simplify your blog, you don't need so many tabs. It makes it overwhelming and I just want to go elsewhere. Also I agree about the guest bloggers, I want to read about YOU, not them. I will follow their blogs if I want to read about them. They are great, but I come here for you. Your posts are always way better, no offense to any of the guest bloggers! I just love Danielle! :)

    1. No offense taken. I appreciate your comment and agree. More me would be great all around. Thanks so much for commenting:>

  14. Well, golly, I didn't realize there was anything wrong with your blog just as it is!! Every blogger has their own style and I think that is as it should be. It is not like I come here and think "I wish she would do this, or not do that". But I can't disagree that more of you would be better. And maybe the sidebar is a bit busy. But I follow because I like your blog, whether or not you change it!!

    1. Seriously sweetest comment ever. Thanks so much for your input. I appreciate it.


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