Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: {My Homemade Year}

Monday, January 2, 2012

{My Homemade Year}


Hello Lovelies! How are you guys doing in 2012? I hope you are doing fabulously!
I am so excited to share with you some of my new ideas for Blissful and Domestic. I am sure you have noticed a few cosmetic changes going on around here. Over the past week I have been hard at work revamping the ole' blog.

Today I am introducing my theme for the new year. 2012 will be my homemade year!

Let me tell you a bit of background before I dive in..

This idea came to me in November.

We have a tight budget that we follow each month.

There is very little wiggle room.
I know I can't be the only one in this boat.

My hubby is a college student, who has been out of the army for over 2 years.
We live on a limited income and somehow things always work out each month.
The bills get paid, food is on our table, and we're happy!
But I want us to be able to start saving for a rainy day; thus, my reason for a Homemade Year.

Here are the details.....


I love re-purposing, sewing, cooking, etc and have decided to take it up a notch. This year is going to be my Homemade Year. A year full of homemade goodness. A year where everything is going to be homemade. From presents, to clothes, to bread and meals, to decor. Everything will be re-purposed or created from scratch. I want to save money this year and hopefully inspire others to do that as well! I know money is tight everywhere right now, and I want to show how my family is making it through these hard economical times. My hubby goes to school for criminal justice and I am a stay-at-home Mom, so our budget is tight. I want to show how we can make ends meet and have a little fun as well! To do this I am dedicating myself more this year. I really WANT to save! 

I have set a few rules for myself as well....

I will only go to Smith's and Wal-Mart for groceries
I can spend $40 a month at Thrift stores
I can spend $20 at Joann's or in Wal-Mart's sewing section

No Target
No Dept Stores

Completely handmade by me!
and Completely on a BUDGET!

There will also be an awesome NEW LINKY PARTY where you can link up 
your Homemade ideas as well!

I want to give my family homemade goodness each day and clothe them in it as well. This year is going to be an adventure and a challenge and I can't wait to have you come along with me. I will share all the tips and tricks I learn along the way. So sit back and relax and let's enjoy Blissful and Domestic's Homemade Year.

Want to join in the fun...
Take the challenge or just Spread the word!

Grab a Button!

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  1. I LOVE it Danielle!!! What a great idea/post!! I made a point of making bread by hand before the new year because well...we are also on a budget and wanted to see if I could do it before I bought a bread machine. I DID IT!! Being on a tight budget has been our way of life for some time(years)now. Just because we want to live a more simple life. I look forward to your homemade year!!

  2. That is one massive challenge, I really hope you do it and it will be interesting to see what ideas you come up with. x

  3. What a great challenge Danielle! I know we'd all love to be able to achieve at least a part of this - I shall be coming by often for tips and inspiration! Good luck- I know you'll come up with amazing things as you always do!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. That is an awesome challenge! I would love to see what you will come up with.

  5. Sounds like a really fun (but possibly hard!) challenge. Good luck with it! I'd love to make a lot more handmade things, but I know I wouldn't be able to go that far. I can't sew, for starters :p

  6. Good Luck in your Handmade venture! I just might join in with you,I already make a lot of things from scratch.

  7. Love it!! I too will join in at times! I just finally updated my crafty blog after two years! This will help keep me motivated! BTW your blog is awesome!

  8. What a great idea! I do make alot of our clothes, I can, bake, cook, etc. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  9. Smart girl .... more folks should try this. I've always enjoyed thrifting, making do, etc. and love to read about others doing the same or trying it out for the first time. Good luck and enjoy.

  10. I look forward to seeing the creative ideas you'll come up with as you go through the year. Great idea for a link party!!!

  11. You go girl! Saw your link at Tator Tots and Jello. I will be adding you to my follow list. I would like to be inspired by your journey. I would love to have you visit my blog sometime. I have some homemade ideas you might be able to use during your challenge. Good luck!

  12. What a fantastic idea!!!
    Like you, i'm on a very tight budget this year and trying to spend less, so will be looking forward to seeing your ideas and projects

    Thanks for linking up to Serenity Saturday
    Hope to see you there again tomorrow

    Natasha xx

  13. What a great challenge! I keep my fingers across for you and wish you good luck. I am following you in the challange :)


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