Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Homemade Play-Dough...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Homemade Play-Dough...

Blissful and Domestic Homemade Play-Dough
For our Preschool group this week the kids got to make their own play dough. They had so much fun and they even got to add their own glitter into their play dough, which I think the kids loved. Thank you Holly for planning such a fun activity for the kids!

Play Dough Fun

Play Dough Fun

Basic Homemade Play-dough Recipe

1 cup white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tbl vegetable oil
1 tsp of alum (found in the spices section@ your grocery store)
food coloring
1/2 cup of water

Mix flour, salt, oil, and alum. Add desired amount of food coloring to 1/2 cup of water. Gradually add colored water. Mix and store in an air tight container.

* If you want to add glitter add it with your dry ingredients (before the water is added)
*Also it seems like it needed a little extra water Miss Priss's was the most moist since she had spilled some of her flour.

XO Danielle


  1. cute new blog! Glad the kiddies enjoyed making the play-doh!

  2. my son is sitting on my lap telling me to click on the little tabs underneath each one of your posts simply because of the pictures he see's with your kids in them. we're on post number 8 I think! lol he really wants me to make this playdough recipe. Im wondering tho how long does it last? did you have to keep it in containers or plastic bags? i know silly question but im just wondering how long it will last. thanks so much!


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