Well Valentine's Day is coming up pretty fast. I mean we are down to one more week of January and then February will be here. I am feeling rather festive this year and have vowed to be more creative and fun with my children this year. Knowing this goal I have set for myself, a NY resolutions you could say, I decided to do a little research on fun things I could do with my kiddos for Valentine's day. I found so much fun stuff on http://www.kaboose.com/ that I decided I wanted to do a countdown to Valentine's Day. As a side note I wanted to thank Allison for first getting me into the countdown mode at Halloween time. It really is a fun way to celebrate with your littles. Having said that I have made up a countdown list of what I plan to do with my littles this month for V-Day. I got most of my ideas from Kaboose, but have linked them up just incase any of you fabulous moms & dad's out there want to try a few with your littles as well. I will try to posts how our fun pans out. Now onto the Countdown Activity List:
1. Send out Valentine Cards (Thank you Mom for the card kits)
2. Valentine's Day Conversation Heart Wreath
3. Make Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and watch a Valentine Cartoon (from the library of course:>)
4. Play Valentine's Day Bingo
5. Heart Attack a friend or neighbor
6. Valentine Straw and Muffin Cup Relay Race
7. Make Valentine Sugar Cookies and Decorate Them
8. St. Valentine Says (played just like Simon Says)
9.Stained Glass Heart Craft
10. Paint Valentine's Day Shirts
11. Make Valentine's Shortcake
12. Make Salt Dough Valentine Magnets
13. Heart Filled Candy Toss (will post on this one later)
14. Special Valentine's Day Dinner -> Heart shaped pizza and other heart shaped treats. We will also be having a play date with friends to help us celebrate as well :>
Hope this gets you inspired to have fun with your littles. I am so excited to start our coutdown. I know this will be our best Valentine's Day yet!
Have a Blessed Day!
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