Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Thunder Mountain Ranch...

Monday, August 7, 2017

Thunder Mountain Ranch...

I've been blogging for ten years. I started with a little family blog called "The Wagasky Family" in 2007, when we lived in Washington. I had just discovered blogger and  my sisinlaw Holly and I were obsessed. Eventually Blissful and Domestic was created and I continued to document my family's lives. That's a lot of thoughts written, pictures edited, and posts published. Its also a lot of friends made through this little blog of mine.

After all this time, I still get embarrassed when someone notices me in real life. I can usually tell when someone recognizes me. They get that thinking face and kind of do a double take. I get embarrassed because a lot of times, it's easy to forget that people are actually coming and reading this little blog of mine. I forget it's not just my mom and dad reading. You guys comment, like, and share. You read my book and send me sweet messages.

This past week I ran into another reader and although I do still get embarrassed, I'm so thankful. Thankful that my little thoughts here are enjoyed by others... thankful that these words resonate with you and encourage you. It truly fills my heart.

I met this sweet reader, while visiting an Alpaca Ranch with the kids. Thanks for saying hi Trina! I loved getting to visit with you.

Oh and the Alpaca Ranch was pretty cool. The kids got to feed the animals and learn a bit about them. It was our first official field trip, since moving. We can't wait to get out and explore more :)

XO Danielle

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