"Happy Birthday baby boy!"
You are twelve years old. I can't believe we are already here. It seems like just yesterday we were anticipating your arrival. You were an answer to a silent prayer. You made me a Mom and I cherish every day I get to be with you. You are such a blessing sweet boy!
Dad and I are so proud of the young man you are becoming. You're shy, kind, and oh so tender hearted. You love fiercely, give the best ultimate bear hugs, and you are the best big brother around.
You are always so eager to serve and help out your family. You like to lift heavy things and you love to snuggle with your baby sister. Oh and you still call me Mama, which melts my heart. We are truly blessed to call you ours.
I pray you never change. I pray you always know how truly loved you are...not only by your sisters and parents, but by your Father in Heaven. He has great plans for you I am sure of. You will move mountains some day bubba and I can't wait to see all that you do. You're amazing!! Happy birthday!!
XO Danielle AKA Mamma
Tallia took a fabulous morning nap today ::Cheers:: I cleaned diapers, did dishes, got dinner in the crockpot, took a LONG shower (where I actually shaved my legs), and folded laundry. It's amazing what a good nap can do for a mama's sanity. :) Love my little squish!
Tallia took a fabulous morning nap today ::Cheers:: I cleaned diapers, did dishes, got dinner in the crockpot, took a LONG shower (where I actually shaved my legs), and folded laundry. It's amazing what a good nap can do for a mama's sanity. :) Love my little squish!