Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Apartment Kitchen Tour...

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Apartment Kitchen Tour...

Oh my this is truly a beautiful sight. It took the kids and I most of the day, working during the baby's naps, but we got it done. Everything has a place and everything is cleaned. I had to quickly snap a few photos, once we were done. Who knows how long it'll stay this clean. Life with children can be messy and although we strive to keep things tidy, life happens.

The metal shelving unit we already had. We always use it to hold canned goods. I'm thankful we were able to bring all our food storage with us from Nevada. Only one jar of salsa broke in the move. I individually wrapped each jar in butcher paper. It was a painstaking process, but it protected my jars. All you ladies who can, know just how precious each jar of food is. It's time and money.

When we first started unpacking, I had to resist the initial urge to go out and get more shelving. I was so sure our canned goods would not fit. In Nevada we had these shelves plus a huge pantry hubby built. I got creative though and made it work. I'm currently using the linen closet in the hallway as our pantry. It holds baking items, snacks, cereal, etc. Re-purposing the closet really helped.

I tried to keep very little out on the counters. Only the stuff I use almost daily got to stay mixer, flours, sugar, and cutting boards. Everything else is either in the cabinets or on the top shelf of the metal shelving unit.

Cleaning stuff is under the sink and I put up my knife board, so they weren't taking up drawer space. To save on space in the already packed U-Haul, we left our wooden table in Nevada. We will be using a folding table and chairs for the next year. We pull it out during meal time. It may not be pretty, but it's functional.

I'm really happy with how it all turned out. I'm keeping things simple this year, as we are saving for a new home.

I can't wait to get in here and whip up some goodies. I've so missed my cooking from scratch. Slowly, but surely I'll be getting back to it...and I'll share with you along the way.

I made a video of our kitchen. Giving you a little tour, sharing some organization tricks I used.


XO Danielle

1 comment:

  1. You make mention of the next year, is this move only temporary. Do you plan to move back to Nevada?


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