Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: The Moment They Met...

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Moment They Met...

Morning lovelies!! How are you!? I feel like it's been forever since I have been able to hop on here and share with you guys. We made it to Arizona and are now settling into our place. I am also loving having my sweet family back together. It has been a long 6 months, with Hubby commuting back and forth between Arizona and Nevada. I am so thankful we made it through that season, but even more thankful we are done with it. I love having my sweet Hubby home every night.

We also now officially have internet. Wahoo!! You never know how much you depend on something, till you don't have it. (I'm pathetic I know) A few days without the net, left me itching to hop on here and share with you friends. Today I wanted to share a quick moment from after Miss Tallia was born. This was such a sweet moment between my little kiddos and I am so thankful for their sweet hearts and the love they already have for their baby sister.

Soon after Miss Tallia was born, my sisinlaw brought Keagan and Libby to meet their new little sister. As Keagan walked into the room, I immediately saw his eyes fill with tears. I had a momentary mama panic, thinking maybe he thought I was in pain or had just really missed me or something. I asked what was the matter and he sweetly replied... "I'm just really happy". Oh my sweet teddy bear boy. He was overwhelmed with love and joy for the safe birth of his baby sister. This sweet tender moment still brings tears to my eyes.

A few moments later, Miss Libby's eyes were brimming with tears as well. I think we all have felt the desire to add sweet babies to our family. It has been something we have all prayed for over the years. Miss Tallia took us nine years to get here, but oh boy was she worth the wait. We can't imagine our life without her and we are forever thankful to have her as part of our eternal family.

XO Danielle


  1. Congratulations! How sweet that your kiddos were so touched by the sweet spirit of a new baby that was prayed for. That is going to be one spoiled little girl! So exciting. :)

  2. Congrats! I am so happy for all of you...

  3. So glad that you made it to Arizona and now have internet. It's hard living apart. This is really a new page for your family. A new baby, living in a new state, your husband having a new job. It's sounds so exciting. How wonderful that because you home school the children there will not be any gaps in their education. I'm sure they will miss the home school group field trips and get to together that you had....but that can be built up again. I'm sure they are homeschoolers where you live that would enjoy meeting up. How wonderful that this little blog has grown so much and has really turned into a career. One that is flexible enough to be done when you have spare moments in between caring for your youngest and the older children as well. I'm so happy for you and your family. I've been following your blog for quite a long time now. You are an inspiration. You've done well. Thank you for sharing with us. Would love photos of your new place eventually...but no rush. :)

  4. Congratulations!! You have such sweet kids, and of course, an adorable little sweet baby girl!! So glad all went well for you, looking forward to reading more posts.


  5. Congratulations on your new baby girl! I admire all that you are doing with your children. Our granddaughter and her husband live in Tucson (for one year now); she doesn't like it because she's from Michigan which is near lakes and lots of green; but she loves her husband and he has a very good job in Tucson...I wish you all the very best.

  6. Soooo, precious, Danielle! So blessed!!


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