Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Family Updates - July 2016

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Family Updates - July 2016

Hello friends!!  Today I am hopping on here to share a quick family updates video with you all. I filmed this video about two weeks ago, before Miss Tallia made her debut. This upcoming week is going to be a busy one. Moving day is next Sunday, so I am spending this week tying up loose ends and making sure everything is packed and ready to go. I am so excited for this new adventure we are embarking on and for my family finally being able to be in one place. I am hoping to get a few videos scheduled for you guys before the move, since I am guessing we will be without internet for a week or so.......depending on how long it takes to get it hooked up. I will be posting updates on instagram though, so follow me on there, so you can see all our happenings as we start a new adventure in a new place.


XO Danielle


  1. Congrats with little miss Tallia.

  2. Sounds like you and your husband have a great plan on buying a house.
    We did kind of the same thing, living in an appartment for a year, and then we bought a house.
    I am looking forward to seeing the process of your move! Also what you do in home school.
    Take care!
    Praying for your family with your move that it all goes smooth sailing!

  3. Just wanted to throw out there that I love your blog updates, but videos are hard for me bc I read your blog in snippets, when I have a few minutes, here or there, waiting in line, at kid lessons, etc. Obviously, you have to do what format is best for you, but thought I'd mention it in case you wondered what your readers thought or videos vs written :)

  4. Just wanted to throw out there that I love your blog updates, but videos
    are hard for me bc I read your blog in snippets, when I have a few minutes,
    here or there, waiting in line, at kid lessons, etc. Obviously, you have to
    do what format is best for you, but thought I'd mention it in case you
    wondered what your readers thought or videos vs written blog posts :)


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