Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Birthday Celebrations....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Birthday Celebrations....

This past weekend we gathered as a family to celebrate two stellar boys. My nephews Eastenn and Zach have birthdays that are back to back. My sisinlaws threw a joint party for the boys. We did some swimming, cooked on the BBQ, had some fun with water balloons, and had cake along with an ice cream bar. Oh and the cake my friends was from Costco. This pregnant mama was in heaven!! (watch this video to truly understand just how happy this made me). It was soooo dang yummy friends! 

Thanks for sharing all the fun pictures with me Andrea!! :)

XO Danielle


  1. I love the music and the speed up action in the video!! I had a little chuckle!! Keep up the great work and blessings with your family, new little one and moving!!

  2. I love Costco cake, but hardly ever have it. I wish Costco still made cupcakes. Right now I am craving a sweet and I am not even pregnant! After reading your post I think I need to go make some cookies and freeze the extras. Enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy :-)


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