Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Easy Buttermilk Biscuits....

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Easy Buttermilk Biscuits....

Last night Hubby found a packet of gravy in the pantry and requested biscuits and gravy for dinner. It's a favorite, but hasn't been on our menu for quite sometime. I actually had forgotten all about that gravy packet in the pantry, so I was happy to use it up and grant Hubby's dinner request.

We served our biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs. Super simple and filling...just what every mama wants.

These biscuits are my go to recipe lately. They're light and fluffy. They also make a great addition to any meal.

Follow the recipe below for quick buttermilk biscuits. Your taste buds will thank you :)

Buttermilk Biscuits

2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tbl baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 stick cold butter, cut into chunks
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup sugar

Preheat your oven to 450°F.
Combine the dry ingredients in the bowl of a food processor. Cut the butter into chunks and add to the food processor. Pulse a few times into a coarse meal. Next, add the buttermilk and mix JUST until combined. If it appears on the dry side, add a bit more buttermilk. It should be wet. Turn the dough out onto a floured board. Knead for a minute. Roll out to 1 inch thick. Use a round cutter to cut into rounds. Place on a greased baking sheet.

Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Makes 8-10 muffins

XO Danielle


  1. Those look delish! def gonna make them this christmas!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  2. Good morning! I had planned to have breakfast burritos this morning as my chickens have been generous, but I can't pass up a yummy sounding biscuit recipe! It took me years to come up with the one I use for biscuits and gravy, yours sounded yummy too my only question is it really a half cup of sugar?
    Thanks for your answer

    1. Biscuits sound good, but I haven't made them yet as it seemed like a lot of sugar to me too.

  3. Ok I am hungry and you get lots of mail lol I am going to be brave and make your recipe! After all I have made many of your recipes and ALL have been good!
    Thanks for all your inspiring posts....keep writing!

  4. I just made these biscuits to go with chicken stew for dinner. My kids loved them. Loved, loved them. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You just gave me the best idea for dinner tonight. Thank you so much - their literally isn't much in the house except gravy and eggs. Hurrah!


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