Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Enjoying His Masterpieces....

Friday, September 25, 2015

Enjoying His Masterpieces....

This past week I was able to pack up our car, load up the kids, and head out of town for a day trip. We tackled the hour long drive to Arizona, so we could enjoy a day on the Colorado River with friends. We had never been before and let me tell was amazing.

I am not a natural outdoorsy person. It is something I am working on. Remember I said my word for this new school year is adventure? Well I am totally keeping true to my word and planning more time for my kids out in nature having adventures.

I am naturally a worrier. My brain goes 100 miles an hour. I'm always thinking of what might happen and sometimes that keeps me...and my kids... from having fun. I also have a lot of them being swimming in water I can't see the bottom of....I pretty much only swim in pools... but with us going on more adventures...I wanted to push that fear aside and enjoy the wonderful creations God has blessed us with. I made a commitment to myself to get out in the water and have fun. Thankfully God knew of my plan and the river was quite clear. It was a tender mercy this mama was very appreciative of. I was able to push pass my fear of swimming in something other than a pool and enjoyed a full day of swimming in the nice cool water of the river.

As I floated in the water, I was caught breathless by the splendor around me. I've heard it said that God is truly the greatest artist, but never had I truly come to understanding exactly how much of an artist he is. 

It is amazing to think that with just a few words spoken, the land and water were separated. It is mind blowing to think that the fowls of the air and fish in the water, were created by His hand. 

To say our scenery for our day trip was amazing is an understatement. It was a beautiful thing to be unplugged with my kids, out in nature. 

We are already planning more days outside... we are looking for more opportunities to see the wonderment that is this world God created for us. Us...simple, imperfect beings...and yet He made this perfect place for us to dwell. What a kind and loving Father in Heaven he is!

I pray you are having a wonderful week and an even greater weekend! God Bless! :)

XO Danielle 


  1. How gorgeous! I just started homeschooling my kiddos this year and I have already seen the blessings and amazing things God has given to us. It excites and invigorates me to forge ahead knowing there is so much more... Thanks for being an inspiration to push past our comfort zones and relish in the moments of life with our kids!

    1. You are so welcome! May God continue to bless you on your homeschool journey :)

  2. Hi Danielle!

    How beautiful!! I love Arizona, I would spend all of my time there if I could, especially during January and February; the coldest months here in Idaho!!

    The Colorado River is very beautiful, what a great experience for your and your family, to enjoy it's natural beauty and splendor! Your family is so cute, I'm glad you had fun!


  3. It is beautiful! Love the clear water.

  4. Lovin' these photos!! The SouthWest is a gorgeous part of our country. Thank you for sharing!


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