Family night can be anything you want it to be. It can be a night out with the family or a night in, playing games. No matter what you do, as long as it is done together as a family you are doing it right! For us family night is one night a week we set aside for family together time. We don't plan anything on these nights. We keep it blocked out on the calendar, so we always know that it is a priority to our family. For us we do family night every Monday. We play games, watch movies, laugh, talk, and enjoy a yummy treat. It is a night we always look forward to. Spending time as a family is so important. When you take time out of your week to be together as a family, you are able to build stronger bonds..making you a stronger family. We all want that right? Today I wanted to share five quick ways to make a family night work for you.
1) Put it on the Calendar- The first thing you need to do is get your family night on the calender. Pick a day that works for everyone in your family. Once you've picked a day, try to keep it the same each week, so everyone knows not to plan anything during that time. For our family Mondays at 6 works. Figure out what works for your family and plan that family night!
2) Take Turns- Make sure to take turns planning family night. By taking turns you can make sure that everyone gets a say in the fun. Including the family in the planing and organizing allows everyone to be included.
3) Unplug- That's right I said it. You need to unplug. Put down that phone and turn off those video games Make sure that family night is quality time spent together. Having everyone commit to staying unplugged will allow you to all keep your focus on creating memories together.
4) It's Not About Perfection- Everyone's family night will look a bit different because we are different families...who are in different seasons of life. Sometime our plans go wonky and time gets away from us....when that happens we end up just eating ice cream around the kitchen table and talking. It doesn't need to be is just about talking to each other and having fun. We have some of our best conversations during family night.
5) Don't Forget The Treat- We love to end our family night with treats because dishing out a bit of sugary goodness at the end of the night, tends to keep those children around for a little bit longer. This is especially beneficial if you have teenagers in your home. Let each family member have a chance to pick a dessert and even help make it. No matter who chooses the dessert, you are sure to have a fun filled night!
How do you do family night?
XO Danielle
This is such a good reminder for me....I have been thinking about making our family nights more meaningful lately and I think we have room for improvement! We only have one little one and since she was born I've kind of been like, "well, she can't really participate in much anyway." but that's no excuse! I am motivated now to work harder to actually PLAN an activity each week. Thanks!