Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Cutting That Grocery Bill....

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cutting That Grocery Bill....

“When you are starting out on your budgeting journey, there is one specific bill that you have absolute control over. Your grocery bill. With your grocery bill, you're not locked into a contract, like you are with cell phones. You are not stuck with a monthly rate like your are with Internet and cable. Oh and you definitely are not stuck with a fixed percentage rate, as you are with a mortgage. All of these other bills take time to pay down or change. You can do it. It just takes time. Your grocery bill though, is one you can change this very day. You have control over the things you purchase and the food you bring into your home.”

In my book, I have dedicated a full chapter to sharing my tips and tricks for cutting that grocery bill in half. I know how important it is to feed your family on a budget and I am so excited I have the opportunity to share that with you all. Thank you to everyone that has purchased my book. Thank you for the shout outs on social media, for sending me pics of you guys with the book. It makes my heart so full! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

XO Danielle


  1. Great site. Have you done any research on how a retired single guy can live on Cal Fresh (food stamps) and a pension of only $500 a month (in California!)? Food is not a problem...but I am struggling with buying all the items that Cal Fresh does not cover. TP, Laundry soap, toothpaste...

    Without ~any~ intent to offend...I suggest Junior get involved in some strenuous outdoor sports (not Wii) ;-)...and consider tailoring his diet to meet his metabolism and fit into your grocery list along with the budget. I'm wondering if there's too much starch and pasta? Maybe cut his portions as well, this would be dependent on physical activity...but definitely more physical activity! Health is just as important as keeping a low budget. Saving money is great, but if the savings only create the opportunity to add needless extras, that might not be good, not to mention health care costs later in life.

    Best wishes.

  2. Re: the grocery list above in good. Too much elevated estrogen created for young males growing up...


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