Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Confidence From Within....

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Confidence From Within....

Good morning lovelies! Today I am talking about confidence. It is something that has been on my heart lately and a message I have been wanting to share. If you follow me on instagram, then you know I have been going on my own little fitness journey. Over the past few months I have lost 34 lbs and gone down a few dress sizes. It has been quite a fun experience and one that has been full of many lessons this mama needed to learn. It is so interesting when we begin a journey, whether it be a fitness journey or a frugal living journey...when we try something new...something we thought we wouldn't be very good at...something happens....something changes within us as we learn the ins and outs of our daily challenges....we learn to love our selves and our abilities...we learn that we can do hard things. I know I mention a lot about moving mountains in our lives. It is something I feel really passionate about. We all have mountains in our lives we are trying to push past. These mountains will look different for each and every one of us. If you get anything from this post today, know that you are not alone in your struggle to push past the hard things...know that you are a part of a brotherhood...a sisterhood...of like minded individuals who are trying to do the very same thing. We all want to be better...we all want to be our best should be something we are striving for each and every single day. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't track your progress by basing it off what someone else is doing. Know that you are amazing and you can do this. You must believe in yourself. Ok ok I know I sound like a self help book, but I wish that someone would have told my 20 year old self this. I wish I had been ready to listen when I needed to make a change back then.

You all know I strive to share goodness, whether it be here on the blog, on youtube, or on social media. I want to encourage and uplift others in all realms of life. Well this past month I have been able to partner up with GLP Fitness. Know this is NOT a paid partnership. It is just a blogger and a company, who both share a love for encouraging others to be their best self, getting together to do just that. It has been a really cool journey teaming up with them. They inspire me. They are not about portraying a cookie cutter image of what fitness is...of what healthy is....they are about encouraging us to be be the best version of ourselves. Healthy looks different on all of us..because we are all different people. Healthy is not a number on the scale or a pant size you buy in the store. Being healthy is putting good food into your body and getting active. It is enjoying life and enjoying a bit of chocolate cake every once in a all know I can't resist that yummy cake now and again :) Healthy living is finding that confidence from within and knowing that you can do amazingly hard things. It is knowing that no one else can make the change for you, you must be your own cheerleader and show up each and everyday to work hard.

You can learn more about GLP Fitness HERE. You can read about their amazing story and about some of their amazing models who they have teamed up with on their blog

They not only encourage people through their words, but through inspiring shirts as well. You can see I am wearing one of them in my instagram picture above. I am currently drooling over this "Strong Not Skinny" one. It is on my must have list this summer!

I hope today you get a little bit closer to having that #confidencefromwithin . Know that you can do amazing things. You have  been placed on this earth for a reason. Share some goodness today and be amazing!

XO Danielle


  1. Danielle,
    This post couldn't come at a better time! Thanks so much!

  2. Hi Danielle! I've been following you for awhile now, and i am so happy for you on how you are doing with your fitness journey! Congratulations on the weight loss!! I just wanted to drop by and introduce myself. I started my fitness and healthy living blog in 2013 to inspire people. I feel you are doing exactly the same by sharing your triumphs and struggles and just real life. No one likes that "perfect" person media tells us we should look like. Thank you for you realness :)


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