Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: This Sunday....

Sunday, May 3, 2015

This Sunday....

Most Sundays you can find us frantically trying to get out the door on time, but not today. Today we got up early, ate our breakfast, and got ready way before we needed to. The red heads even had enough time for a game of chess....where Watson tried to steal chess pieces as they played :) We were actually ready with 30 minutes to spare. I had to resist the urge to jump up and down. I was so stinkin' proud of ourselves.....mostly me because I am the BIG reason we are always late. This Sunday though, Hubby and I had to do the opening and closing prayers, so I think that was Heavenly Fathers way of reminding me that I can get my family to church on time if I try a little bit harder. So now the real challenge is to see if I can get us all there, put together, and on time next week. Wish me luck #thestruggleisreal

XO Danielle


  1. Had to laugh...reminded me of my daughter/and her family... Always late getting to church..ha
    Best wishes for next week..

  2. The same thing happens to us!! I can never understand how we can be out of the house by 7:15 on weekday mornings, but can't leave by 10:30 to be on time for church! I think we get caught up in enjoying a little extra sleep and a more relaxed pace. Good luck next week, we'll need it as well!


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