Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: DIY Christmas Jar

Saturday, December 15, 2012

DIY Christmas Jar

Hello Everyone! I'm Jennifer from Dainty Posies and I am SO excited to be here at Blissful and Domestic! Thank you, Danielle for letting me guest post!

I love all of Danielle's ideas to save money so I thought I would share a cute Christmas craft that costs very little! So here it is ....

A multi-purpose Christmas Jar! I recently read the book Christmas Jars and I LOVED it! So naturally I wanted our family to start our own Christmas Jar and this is what I threw together! Here's how to make your own! All you need is:

a jar (I used spaghetti but you can use ANY kind you want)
bells (mine are medium sized)
lace (or ribbon)
spray paint (I used oil rubbed bronze)

First things first: spray painting your bells is totally optional! I saw a lot of cute Christmas bells that would have worked great but I had it in my head to do oil rubbed bronze so I went with that :)
-After I spray painted the bells I strung them together on the twine like this, so they would group together:

-It's really just the beginning of how you tie your shoe but pulled tight
-Set aside and then wrap your burlap and lace around the jar
 -Last, wrap your bells around the jar and tie in back
Drop a tea light in there aaaaaand you're finished! Easy peasy! This would also be cute with Christmas ribbon but I just wanted to keep it simple :)

 I can't wait to start using this for our Christmas Jar change!

Have a great holiday!



  1. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing

  2. This is adorable. I don't know about Christmas jars but I will google it to find out! Cute!

    hugs, Linda

  3. It is so cute, but what is the deal with "Christmas Jars"? I'll google too :)

  4. Thank you, Ladies! I hope you DO read Christmas Jars - it is a wonderful story!


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