Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Thrifty Tips for Seasonal Decorating

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thrifty Tips for Seasonal Decorating

Hello again Blissful and Domestic readers! I'm back with some easy and thrifty Christmas decorating ideas. I don't know about you but I really don't like spending a lot of money on seasonal decorations. However, I want them to look like a million bucks!

Here are a few of my favorite ways to save money and have gorgeous seasonal decorations. 

Thrifty Tips For Seasonal Decorating

1.  Whenever possible wait for half-price sales. Retailers always discount seasonal items the day after a holiday. This is a great way to stock up for next year or purchase big ticket items for half price. 

I purchased these stockings at Target a few years ago. They were on clearance for 50% off.

2.  Some of the best places to find inexpensive seasonal decor is the Dollar Store, Thrift Stores and Walmart.

Make some fun & colorful decor with candy! These gumdrop trees are 
super easy to make. Just hot glue gumdrops on a craft store cone and you're done!

3.  Think outside-the-box. For example - Christmas tree ornaments can be used for so much more than just hanging on a tree.  

Fill a thrift store or dollar store jar with fake snow and 
add a few ornaments for instant decor.

4.  Utilize the internet. You can find tons of seasonal subway art for FREE! Also check out The Graphic's Fairy blog for free clipart. By using a frame you already have or one from a thrift store you can have your own artwork for free or really cheap!

For more thrifty decorating ideas you can check out my blog here

Thanks for visiting and happy decorating!

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  1. These are all lovely ideas! I'm thinking I need to try out the gum drop trees! So much easy color!

  2. Great ideas! I am planning to visit the dollar store today, and hopefully snag some inexpensive Christmas decor!

  3. Fabulous decorating on a budget tips, dear! I especially love the gum drop trees except that I would probably eat more of them than I would be putting on the trees, lol! ;)
    I featured this post on my ~A Little Sunday Potluck~ today. Take a moment and check it out...


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