Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Blinking and Burgundy Broadway Frost

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blinking and Burgundy Broadway Frost






I blinked today. I snapped a picture of my little miss with some fabulous new nail polish (NYC brand $1.72 @ Wal-Mart Can we say score!), blinked, and then realized that my 5 year old was going on like 15. The little girl I thought I was taking a picture was not the one in the view finder. No blinking allowed is my new motto. My sweet red head is growing older each day. We paint our nails, do our hair, talk, giggle, watch Cake Boss together, and all sorts of things. When I am with her I can remember doing similar things with my own mother. I cherished that time, just as I cherish the time with my own little one. She is growing faster than this mama's heart can handle. So no more blinking, I don't want to miss another second with my sweet girl.

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  1. I know what you mean! I tell my 6 year old to stop growing and getting bigger. She always laughs and tells me "mom you always say that!"
    I work all day so I really treasure baking and reading with her on the weekends when we have all day to be together!

  2. Oh, Danielle! Don't blink! If you do, you will be at her wedding, blink again, and you will be holding HER babies!! Which is all lovely, of course, but the time between now and then passes far, far too quickly. It seems only yesterday that I was holding my tiny babies, now they are grandmothers!!! How can that be???? Cherish every moment, take a million pictures. The coming years, the grandbabies and great-grandbabies are the reward of a life well lived, but cherish every second along the way!!


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