Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Trunk or Treat

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trunk or Treat







Saturday was our ward's Trunk or Treat. We played, we ate pumpkin pie, and of course we went from car to car visiting and getting candy. In all the excitement though, I found it quite impossible to get pictures of my little munchkins. My Miss is a lot easier to coerce into picture taking. The hubbs and my Bubba, not as easy to persuade. Please tell me I am not the only one that is welcomed with a stink face every time I bring out that camera of mine. Anyone know a cure for the family picture taking stink face? If you do, please share the knowledge. The holidays are coming and I want family photos that are free from the wretched stink eye.

I was Minnie, Miss was a LalaLoospy Doll, Bubba was a Storm Trooper, and Hubby wore a festive zombie tuxedo shirt. As close to a costume as I will get with him:>

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  1. I know where you got your tubbys tee. Cute though. All of you are very cute! =]

  2. I have family members who hate having their pictures taken. The best I can do is to tell them if they give me ONE good picture, I will leave them alone for the rest of the event.


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