Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Getting to Know You Sunday

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting to Know You Sunday



My name is Melody from Melody's Voice. I live a fabulous life. I do! I live in sunny Southern California, I have a job I love, I own a beautiful home, I travel to places like New York and San Francisco, and I have two of the cutest doggies.


But most importantly, I have a husband, with big sexy muscles, who I love very much. I have been very blessed, and the biggest blessing of all came about 3 months ago when I found out that I am finally pregnant. I started blogging to share all these fabulous things with my family, and many friends have joined me along the way. I've been blogging since 2008, so my blog has covered a wide array of topics and interests. In addition to blogging about my life, I've written about fashion and beauty. These have always been two interests of mine. I've always loved design and I started sewing at the age of thirteen, perhaps out of necessity.


Coming from a family of seven kids, there wasn't much money to spend on clothes so if I wanted a cute new skirt, I made it. But I've grown to love sewing and creating. Often times I walk into clothing stores and become displeased with not only the price of clothing, but the designs. I find things too short, too long, too revealing or I find things simple enough for me to sew myself, so often times I do. My latest fashion creation is the shirt dress.


It takes takes moderate sewing skills, only about an hour and you need just a few materials:

1. A pattern for a dress, but you only use the skirt portion. Make sure it is a pattern with a waistband. I love pockets so I made sure to use a pattern that had some. (If you're super cool and you can make your own skirt pattern, more power to you!)
2. An inexpensive shirt, or an old shirt you no longer wear.
3. Some fabric to match the shirt. You will need about a yard and 4 inches. Be sure to buy knit fabric. The dress needs to be able to stretch over your head and upper body. There are no zippers in this dress.

Next all you need to do is:

1. Cut out and sew the skirt according to the directions.
2. Cut the shirt off about 6 inches below the armpit (this may vary depending on your bust size or length of your torso).
3. Sew skirt to shirt.
4. Iron.



Now go out there and give this a try. I would love to see pictures of you all sporting your shirt dresses. Thanks for spending this time with me. You all are fabulous!



Thanks Melody so much!
I hope you all have a fabulous Sunday!

** Also remember I am offering a coupon code to all my Blissful and Domestic lovelies in my etsy store. When you go finish your check out enter Back2School to get 20% off your entire order. As always I try to keep my prices low for all of you. Check it all out and Happy Shopping! **

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can check out this post to accept!



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