Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: Finding Joy in the Journey: Blogging

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finding Joy in the Journey: Blogging

I had some interesting thoughts pressed upon my heart the past few days. I read a post written here about reasons why we blog. After reading Monica's post it got me asking myself, what was my purpose for blogging? Well, when I started out a few years ago, I had a private blog. I lived away from all my family. Starting a blog was my way to show my family our everyday activities. It was a way to document the growth of my children. Well as time went on I felt I wanted to do more. I wanted to share more. I wanted to be able to write and not worry that people may not like it. At the time I let my own fear and insecurities stop me. I felt, at the time, that my ideas were not original enough or creative enough. That I was not enough. Because of this I didn't blog about a lot of things.

As time went on, I realized one big thing I didn't blog about was my faith. It occurred to me that I was keeping a huge part of myself hidden. It was  like I had the most delicious brownie, but I refused to share it with anyone. What a sad thought right?

Well at the beginning of this year my wonderful hubby encouraged me to start a public blog. A blog where I could share my ideas and thoughts. He believed in me, when I couldn't. What a wonderful man I am married to. His encouragement brought me to Blissful and Domestic. I have grown so much this year. My blogging has not always been steady, but recently my need to blog has increased. I love signing in and posting. I feel more confident. I don't need 100's of followers. If I can just touch one person and maybe share with them a new craft or idea than I feel content with what I am doing.

My testimony in the Gospel has grown immensely this year. I have been humbled many, many times. I know that I am nothing without my Savior. He has given me everything and I just want to serve him and be faithful. I want to teach my children this. I want them to know that He is bigger than anything. That although we fall short many times, He CAN and WILL make up the difference. This is what I couldn't share before because I was to scared of my own heart.

My blog is a way to document my families life. It is a way to show myself that when I am schooling my children, that it is worth it. It is a reference guide for myself and a cookbook. There have been so many times I need to find a recipe, but the only place I knew it definitely will be, is here.

I am thankful for this blog and for all those wonderful friends who frequent it. Your comments truly mean so much to me. I try to reply back, because I want you to know I appreciate your words. Thnak you for all you do to inspire me. I am thankful for this little corner of the web I occupy. I pray I can continue to inspire you as you inspire me each day.

From the bottom of my heart thank you and please come back to visit. I hope to have some uplifting thoughts and maybe a little craft and schooling ideas as well. Have a Blessed Day!


  1. Thank you for sharing this! Sometimes the things that mean the most are the hardest to post about for some reason.

  2. My blog started out just like yours. Although I do not post daily about my faith, I am much more open about now then when I started my blog.
    Great post!


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