The weather in my neck of the woods:
Still really hot!
Things that make me happy:
Starting School today! I am now their teacher! Ahhh!
Book I'm reading:
nothing right now. I decided to take a break, while I figure out homeschool
What I'm enjoying on TV:
White Collar Season 1
Ugly Betty Season 3
Thanks mom for letting me borrow those:>
On the menu for dinner:
Crockpot Flank Steak with rice and veggies
On my To Do List:
do 1 load of laundry
put baskets of laundry (3 total) in my bedroom all away
Make some bread
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Bread Machine Cinnamon rolls....just looking for a real good recipe
In the craft basket:
I want to make this Proverbs growth chart from here.
Looking forward to this week:
Having a whole week of Home school under my belt :>
Tips and Tricks:
When putting sprinkles on cupcakes it is easiest to frost the cupcake and then dip it into a bowl of sprinkles, rather then trying to just sprinkle it on the top of each cupcake.
My favorite blog post this week:
My friend Stevie just started a blog whith is pretty cool Marzapan Zombies
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Scatter Sunshine
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
On my mind:
Everything I still need to get done around the house today
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
I have been thinking a lot of the story of Samuel the Lamanite. He was such a brave & courageous prophet. Samuel began preaching in the land of Zarahemla. He preached repentance for many days, but he was thrown out of the city. He was about to go home, but then God told him to return and prophesy to the people. He returned to Zarahemla, but the people would not let him into the city. So he climbed up on a wall and prophesied. Samuel said that within 400 years heavy destruction will come upon the people in the form of the sword, famine, and pestilence unless they repent and have faith in Jesus Christ. What an amazing person to know what God wanted you to do and even when faced with arrows he stood on that wall and shouted Gods word. Oh how I wish I can be more like Samuel each and every day. I found this picture while googling and it absolutely displays his act of absolutely faith in the Lord.
and on that note...may we be courageous today and have faith in Heavenly Father to provide for us. Happy Monday Everyone!
Thanks for posting my blog! <3
ReplyDeleteThat's a cute picture of Libby, lol.
I think I might take this and repost it on mine (with different answers, of course ;-)
Have fun with the home schooling! I'll be sure to check back and see how it's going (sounds like it would be really fun, actually)
Oh, and I wanted to add -- it wasn't hot this morning! It's BEAUTIFUL outside! I can't wait until I can quit because it would have been a wonderful "let's go to redrock and have a picnic" day :-D