Blissful and Domestic - Creating a Beautiful Life on Less: {From Here to Eternity} Our Love Story Part 1

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

{From Here to Eternity} Our Love Story Part 1

Happy Valentine's Day Folks! I hope your day is seriously filled with lots of love and fun! Anyone have some great dates planned for tonight? I totally want to hear about them. The Hubbs and I do not do Valentine's. Well let me rephrase that, we don't do gifts and stuff. We are however having a fun night once the kids go to bed. 

I just realized how that sounds. I mean we have a movie date night planned. We are watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding. We watched it on our first Valentine's together and I can't wait to snuggle on the couch and watch it again. 

We will most definitely be quoting it for days. Love that! We have plans of sharing many boxes of Reese's Pieces and probably sugaring ourselves up on other sweets. That's what movie nights are all about. A good movie, popcorn, candy, and the cutest guy next to you....

ok I am done gushing....

actually wait I am not. I got sidetracked talking about my night and I forgot the whole reason for this post. Yesterday I got to share how The Hubbs and I met. I shared it over at The Artsy Girl Connection. I thought since it was Valentine's Day I should share it here as well. I know you are just dying to know how I met that man of mine and all the funnies that went with it.

So you no longer have to wait....

Here is how I met that funny, hot man of mine:)


Hi lovelies! I am Danielle and I am visiting from Blissful and Domestic.
I am so excited to be here today. I get to take a break from blogging about My Homemade Year and I get to gush about the greatest guy ever! Yep thats right I get to talk abotu the hubbs. M asked me to write a little post about my love story.

I was seriously tickled pink!
A whole post gushing about that man I love so much....
Sign me up!


So I know you probably don't want a whole post about how awesome
and gorgeous my Hubby is....

Really he is when he's not making pirate faces


See I told ya!

I will spare you from those lovey dovey details, but I will brighten your day with a few funnies from our early history together.

So I met my hubby 6months after I graduated high school.

Yep I was 18 and he was 22.
He had just come home from a two year mission in New Zealand.
Incase you haven't figured it out yet we are Mormon.

We were set up on a blind date.

See the red head in this picture?
Well she wanted to date the cutie next to her, but Chuck wouldn't go on a date unless his friend had one to....

that's where I came into the picture.


The hubbs called me up one night asking me out.....
I had never met him, but I was definitely liking him through the phone lines.

He's always been good at making me laugh

We decided to go bowling and he would pick me up.

if I remember right..
He described himself as being way over 6 foot and quite a buff guy,

In walks Chuck and this man who is definitely not 6 ft.

not even close, but he was buff

This basically set the tone for our relationship.

I never know what to expect, which is probably why I love that man so much.

When he first met my parents, my husband had quite a conversation with my mother.

She was fishing for information.

She knew I was head over heels for this man
She needed to know what kind of future he would provide.
Here is how their convo went......

Mom: Jason what are you wanting to do with your life? 
You know what kind of job do you want to have?

Jason: I want to be a song writer

cue me looking quite stunned at the man sitting next to me
he didn't even play a guitar or music background
Oh and never had he once mentioned this dream as a song writer

Mom: Oh that's interesting. Have you written anything?

Jason: Nope, but I am thinking of starting

cue me busting out laughing, while my Mom has this confused look on her face.

Looking back now I am sure she was thinking "really this is the man she wants to marry"

And yes that is exactly it.
I knew pretty soon into the relationship that he was the man
I wanted to laugh with forever.

6 months later we were engaged and 6 months after that we were married.


1 year later we had a sweet baby boy


We've been married 9 years
 We have moved about 8  times
Driven through 7 states together
served 5 years in the army
(well he did...I was the support)
2 deployments
had 2 kids together
and have seriously had a blast!

through all the late night giggling
(I giggle he laughs)
Netflix marathons
Sing out loud to Toby Keith in the Car ride alongs

It has been THE BEST.

I am so blessed to be married to my best friend.
I can't imagine life being any sweeter, than when I am with him


Sorry had to gush a bit
but now it is over.....


Happy Valentine's Day!
Should I add more to the love story?
Let me know:)

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  1. You two are SUCH a beautiful and fun cuple.. THANKS SO MUCH for sharing this awesome story with me yesterday, totally enjoyed it.. Your hubby's faces are super funny.. lollol.. Wishing you an amazing Valentines day luv.. xoxoxo..

  2. Cute post. It is always so fun to read about how people met... it helps me remember all of the fun things with my husband:)

  3. What a beautiful story! I can tell you two are very much in love! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  4. Awww, what a sweet story!! I can tell there's a lot of love just from the pictures. :)

  5. Aww love that group pic Some of my favorite people! Hope you guys have a great Valentines day!

  6. thanks for stopping by my blog! What a great blog you have here! Love your love story!

  7. You are a really cute couple.I am now following you on Linky follower. I would love it if you followed me back.I always enjoy meeting new Bloggers.

  8. Such a cute post! Thanks for following my blog. I am following you back!

  9. So glad I found your lovely blog. I'm following you with the new Linky tool, straight from the Linky blog hop. I look forward to getting to know you better, Lori

  10. This is such a fun story :)
    Everything seemed to fall into place perfectly!

    Thanks for visiting my blog..following you back, girrrrl!

  11. thanks so much fo linking up with our blog hop. i am your newest GFC and Linky follower. hope you visit me some time!

  12. Cute story, I love hearing love stories :)

  13. Such a sweet post! Thanks so much for join in the linky followers fest! So happy to have you!

  14. What a lovely love story!! Thanks for sharing!!


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